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The sun is shining, games not played,
only the dog walkers parade,
morale declining, children pining,
this is the plague decade.

Key workers nervously,
bravely give service,
while others wait
to discover their fate.

Watching wretched news,
numbers are rising,
much elegising,
loves no one would choose.
Corona Virus
Down I go into the gray and brown.
I hit the sides, like being in a cradle that is
rocked too fast.  It's an abrupt catastrophe.
I didn't see this one coming; but I felt it, like
the slight rumble of an earthquake, or like the
false dawn, before the real light yawns, and
opens the sickly day.
It's just another ending, dapple and down.
 Sep 2021 Sharon Talbot
Zoe Mae
I always sit in the corner alone
mostly ignored, yet always adorned
I squeak
and I creak, but it appears no one knows I'm trying to speak
I've spent years banging my head on a wall
getting absolutely nowhere
I had an epiphany this morning
I'm a rocking chair
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