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  Aug 2017 unnamed
I've seen endless galaxies in her eyes,
And I have felt entire hemispheres
Hot and burning
Upon our lips,
The sun and the stars,
Consummating, constellating
Between her hips.
  Aug 2017 unnamed
What do I do with all the words that I have left unsaid

The **** I want to say
But cant and wont

As if I was filling a bucket with teardrops

Keep telling myself
That one day Ill say it all
Its just that that day
Will not come


Writing is the only way I can
Let go of half of the burden
I set the words free
Even though
They never
Make it
To you

But somehow I feel
That they now
Are closer to you
And therefore
Am I
  Aug 2017 unnamed
Cedric McClester
By: Cedric McClester

Any ***** can shoot a *****
What’s it take to pull a trigger
How much pressure do ya figure
Is required to dead a *****
Problem is you’re killin you
When you pull the trigger to
Shoot someone who looks like you
But ain’t that what you ****** do

A ***** lookin for respect
Could pull out a Nine or Tec
At a time you least expect
And you might have to hit the deck
Cuz when the bullets start to fly
Those who don’t just might die
And you don’t wanna go - okay
Like ****** do around the way – cuz

Any ***** can shoot a *****
What’s it take to pull a trigger
How much pressure do ya figure
Is required to dead a *****
Problem is you’re killin you
When you pull the trigger to
Shoot someone who looks like you
But ain’t that what you ****** do

Keep one eye open when you sleep
Cuz in the hood life is cheap
So watch the company you keep
Your main man might be a creep
Don’t let ‘em get the drop on you
The way some ****** like to do
They’ll roll up on you with a crew
And run a clip off into you

Any ***** can shoot a *****
What’s it take to pull a trigger
How much pressure do ya figure
Is required to dead a *****
Problem is you’re killin you
When you pull the trigger to
Shoot someone who looks like you
But ain’t that what you ****** do

****** don’t respect themselves
Never mind someone else
That’s why they keep their gats and shells
And you know what that often spells
Cuz ****** are up to no good
There’s gun smoke in the neighborhood
And it’s high time they realize
That it’s themselve who they despise – cuz

Any ***** can shoot a *****
What’s it take to pull a trigger
How much pressure do ya figure
Is required to dead a *****
Problem is you’re killin you
When you pull the trigger to
Shoot someone who looks like you
But ain’t that what you ****** do

Did you ever stop to think
****** could become extinct
In the time it takes to blink
Like some kind of missin link
Unless we suddenly stop killin
The prophesy will keep fulfillin
Even though the thought is chillin
Long as the blood just keep on spillin – cuz

Any ***** can shoot a *****
What’s it take to pull a trigger
How much pressure do ya figure
Is required to dead a *****
Problem is you’re killin you
When you pull the trigger to
Shoot someone who looks like you
But ain’t that what you ****** do

Although it’s often said in play
And despite what some folks say
The use of ***** ain’t okay
Though you might hear it everyday
My usage of it in this joint
Is for effect to prove a point
It’s not to glorify the term
But will you ****** ever learn – that

Any ***** can shoot a *****
What’s it take to pull a trigger
How much pressure do ya figure
Is required to dead a *****
Problem is you’re killin you
When you pull the trigger to
Shoot someone who looks like you
But ain’t that what you ****** do

Although it’s often said in play
And despite what some folks say
The use of ***** ain’t okay
Though you might hear it everyday
My usage of it in this joint
Is for effect to prove a point
It’s not to glorify the term
But will you ****** ever learn

(c) Copyright 2015.  Cedric McClester.  All rights reserved.
  Aug 2017 unnamed
Michael J Simpson
I have a
hole cut out
of my heart
in the
shape of

I have a
tree bearing
fruit and
they fall
only for

I have a
fire burning
in my soul
and it
burns for

I have a
dream where I
run towards
figures that
look like

I have a hole in the wall of my heart
in the shape of
  Aug 2017 unnamed
The Fire Burns
Lost in a thought,
triggered by a stare,
I look at you,
and sink into a pool of destiny.

Diaphanous gossamer lace,
outlines your margins,
pulling my eyes deeper,
arousing my inquisitive side.

Your pernicious smile,
excites and saddens me,
vexing my ambitions,
and confusing my vivication.

Slowly, it melts into something,
so simmeringly hot,
that there is no question,
that wrappings will be scattered.

The libidinous winds begin to blow,
engrossing and exhausting rapture,
infiltrating gratification,
reaching a zenith of perfection.
  Aug 2017 unnamed
The Fire Burns
Days of the new
are one and a few,
while days of yore
will open the door.

The future is built
upon solid stilts,
of the past's foundation,
tested by duration.

Knowledge combined
from yesterday and refined,
with ideas from today
will pave the way.

Never lose sight,
though some might,
of what worked before
to reopen closed doors.
  Aug 2017 unnamed
The Fire Burns
Our music is written on the page
in our combined blood,
the contract is sealed.

The angel chorus resonates
in the cockles of our hearts
and in the crevasses of our minds.

Sparking touches,
ignite passion,
singing refrains.

The climb begins,
as does ecstasy,
finale coda.
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