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 Jun 2022 Traci Sims
Ciel Noir
I want to love and be loved too
that's more than I can ask of you

I want you to care about me
and make me your priority

maybe I can't find the words
maybe it's more than I deserve

but all the silence in the world
won't hide my eyes
that tell the truth
It's easy, they told me,
you just keep going
and you get old in
no time at all
 Jun 2022 Traci Sims
To a lover
 Jun 2022 Traci Sims
To a lover
I have lost
Time I have lost
Moments I wish I could still touch
With my fingertips
To a lover
May I meet you again
Life is rigid
Like the virus that rends the warm body frigid
Reality is wild
Like the hurtful question from a child
Fear drives you to contain it
But life needs chaos to sustain it
Unbridled imagination
A scary engine of creation
Cautious hearts yearn for limitation
But such a life's an empty imitation
it is an especially warm day -
you drink orange juice
straight from the carton -

like many - a time for legs
on display - off and on
buses - but inside

a nametag states Harmony -
provides me with
a throat-cooling solution

before you sit in silence
with music I cannot hear -
drinking juice from the carton
Written: June 2022.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time. A link to my Facebook writing page and Instagram page can be found on my HP profile.
I blame you.
For the dreams that died.
For the love that i will never have.
For the smile that you took from me.
I wanted to fly far away but you
Burnt my wings keeping me
In the cold darkness.
I blame you for killing me.
I like to take a negative feeling and turn it
Into something good.
We should allow people room to grow and breathe support someone in there dreams
#blame #dreams #darkness #killing
 Jun 2022 Traci Sims
When life gets
so incredibly
lonely on the inside,
step outside...
In awe, there is no
only the steady pulse
of nature's applause
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