Fort sort court report, tort port quart, consort contort retort cohort cavort snort.
Black sack fact track Jack, smack wack maniac pack. Back hack knack flack, lack kayak rack tack.
Bust rust, dust crust, lust fussed, just must combust trust.
Bought naught, fought caught ought, distraught draught..
Pent mint sent rent lent, vent bent, went dent, gent glint spent tent rent.
Serene ravine green gene careen, obscene demean. Clean, preen queen, mean lean scene wean.
Fin pin sin, men tin wren zen.
Forgive me but I seem to have gotten some of my mental ******* ******-ness splurgy on the page. Of the human race is not but one more ***** in the spume of God!