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 Apr 2014 Tinku Bharadwaj
I am fractured, but I am not afraid.
My body knows fear like a drug,
But my soul will never bother with it.
I will love and love and love
Until there is nothing but ash left in here.
Don't you see?- I will meet my fate with or without you.
You have seen me grieve,
I am not afraid.
It's important who you hang around, they say that you are their friend.  You need to be very careful, before something bad happen in the end.
You need to know about a person, before you spend time out.  You need to get to know, what a person is all about.
The wrong friends will try their best, to be in control.  Notice, whatever is said, comes out very bold.
In this world we are living in, we don't know who to trust.  Just because you are so eager to have a friend, take your time and don't be in a rush.
You may be hanging out with your so called friends.  They may stab you in the back, in the very end.
In this evil world, it may be best to walk alone.  At least you will have a better chance, to return back home.  
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Just because a person is quiet, don't think he's not alert.  He is a very good listener, and he knows if you're planning any dirt.
Just because a person is quiet, don't assume he is without knowledge.  They will be the very ones, who will be preparing for College.
Just because a person is quiet, don't think he will not fight.  He's only holding his peace, because he wants to do what's right.
Just because a person is quiet, don't take them for granted any day.  He's subject to protect himself, therefore, stay out of his way.
Just because a person is quiet, here is some good advice.  It would be good to make friends, and be very nice.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
If you wasn't around, will anything get done?  Will people take time out, just to have a lot of fun?
If you wasn't around, would people do what's right?  Or, would they start trouble, provoking one another to fight?
If you wasn't around, would your business go down?  If you were to return, would anything be found?
If you wasn't around, would everything be lost?  If you made a list of items, what would be the cost?
If you wasn't around, would people feel totally free?  Would they be loosed from such heavy burden, even the whole world could see?
If you wasn't around, could you trust your staff?  Or, whenever you returned, you would have to use your wrath?
If you wasn't around, would you have any Church members?  Or, would they attend another assembly, where they could easily play numbers?
If you wasn't around, would you leave again? Or, would you sacrifice and stay, so you can experience peace within?
By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing
 Apr 2014 Tinku Bharadwaj
I don't ******* care
what's out there
Nemo was a stupid fool
that little tool
had it good
being the centre
of someone's world
We are just plankton
waiting to be swallowed
by the yawning maw
of an industrious whale
waiting to be eaten up
laying down tracks
like a laborious snail
just slugs
tresspassing upon gardens
that are richly scented
with heavily perfumed
'a la, smell me please
leave your heart to me
and I'll trample it
to get my feet wet'

Little fish in big ponds
get to hide between
the rocks
They get to frolicking
between frocks
of seaweed and coral
that chokes or
cuts like fine glass
Little fish in Big ponds

tend to outlast ;)
 Apr 2014 Tinku Bharadwaj
She was so generous
that she left me with innumerable sorrows.

I was so selfish
that I couldn't give her anything but Love.

El egoísmo    

Ella era tan generosa
Que me dejó con incontables penas.  

Yo era tan egoísta  
Que no le pude dar nada excepto amor.
I just came up with the translation in español
There are sick teachers, disrespecting our youth.  When they are caught, they lie not telling us the truth.
There are sick teachers, who suppose to be teaching in our Schools.  Yet, they are behind the scene, breaking all the rules.
There are sick teachers, leaving their families behind.  They have chosen to mess around, rather than use their mind.
There are sick teachers, being put into jail.  If they plan to continue this life style, no one need to pay their bail.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
There is so much going on, in this evil world.  It's happening to our adults, and to every boy and girl.
Listening to the News today, a student stabbed 23 students with a butcher knife.  What should we expect tomorrow, in this dangerous life?
Time is running out for the pings on the little black box.  Will any debris float from the bottom of the plane, up to the very top?
Have they found anymore bodies, after the big mud slide?  Have they added anymore numbers, to all of those who have died?
Any news about the train that derailed, from off the railroad track?  I wonder what is going on that we have not heard, that's happening behind our back?
When are we going to hear some type of good news?  So far, all we hear is something that gives us the "Blues."
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
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