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Timothy Ward Sep 2016
We now desire less
Eating beyond gluttony
People are starving?
Less than 1% of the world's wealthiest  own more than 50% of the world's wealth!!
Timothy Ward Sep 2016
a cold winter blast
two songbirds boldly took flight
eloquent silence
Sometimes haiku is utterly powerful and transcendent in its compactness and simplicity
Timothy Ward Sep 2016
bullets pierce the night
another black father is stopped
fall is in the air
Enough violence on the citizens. A father of 7 killed while waiting to pick up his child from the school bus stop for mistaken identity and not following orders??? ***!!!
Timothy Ward Sep 2016
Surfing is playful
When there's a tide
But it's awfully painful
When waves have died
And what of the poet
Who was filled with rhyme
Whose verse is now crippled
By a heart that pines
Torn is a poet who knows
Not when to share
Forlorn is his heart
Of emotions laid bare
It seems at times the muses play me for the fool that I am. I wish I wouldn't be so naive and open but I am compelled to be me!
Timothy Ward Sep 2016
Teeth bared
Jaws clenched
Hammer cocked
Yet another
Your coffin
In darkness
Sealing you
From bigotry
In self justified
RIP dear brothers
Your Lives Matter!
I used to have great admiration for the police...but we as a community have been derelict in watching over those we hire to serve us!
Timothy Ward Sep 2016
white is pure, dark not
so say the fairytales
we glare - d i v i d e d
When did we allow those who serve and protect to become a fascist like vigilante force with hair trigger reflexes and military grade serve and protect???
Timothy Ward Sep 2016
i sleep
wide eyed
in fear of letting go
of my fears
and flying

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