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Timothy Ward Sep 2016
when my
finally extinguished
itself and me
i was nothing
a hollow shell
of emptiness
Timothy Ward Sep 2016
it landed
its wings slowly
i grabbed
a puff of yellow
quiet stillness
i had just
myself again
Read a great book - most of which went over my head - Godel, Escher, Bach by Hofstadter. This is a attempt at a poetic representation of an Escher infinite loop geometries!
Timothy Ward Sep 2016
you were only
at beginnings
you always
just when
you were
by the beauty
of your friendships
anchors to your restless soul
your broken heart
won't hold
Timothy Ward Sep 2016
I stand

Before you                       Cloaked

Sometimes in trying to be candid and vulnerable we share too much with the wrong ppl and then not enough wth the right ones.
Timothy Ward Sep 2016
let's not
break up
let's not
break up
our warm
and tender
lest they
cool and turn
cold and brittle
and "experienced"
with every
broken try
let's not....
I know it sounds desperate but I didn't want my bf and myself to break up n make up. I gave him a clear choice and when I saw him hesitate I walked away. I don't regret it but it hurts to know he was too weak to express himself. I'm trying to move forward sans drama :)
Timothy Ward Sep 2016
he came as promised
he returned disappointed
a sh

              a        t

           ­                         e           r

                                     e                   d
                                                               ­           image
Last line: a shattered image
Timothy Ward Sep 2016
Phoochkas to right of me
Phoochkas to left of me
Phoochkas in front of me
Garnished and Savored
Spiced with chaat this shell
A pani puri dunking swell
Into the jaws of yum
Into my mouth a spell
  Phoochkas by the dozen!
It's really difficult to describe this Indian street food snack I was introduced to by some Indian friends on campus. These are like tortilla chips puffed up and filled with potatoes and lentils and topped with some yummylicious date and cilantro chutneys then dunkened in a hot/sour/salty/spicy cold broth and shoved in ur mouth. When u crunch down on it it is a MOUTHGASM explosion of flavors. It's the ******* of snack foods!!
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