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Tiffany Mar 2014
She curls her hair everyday
and paints her green eyes black
She sports a bright, plastic smile
so the others won’t see what she lacks

She hides it all with make-up and charm
so you’d never know what she’s feeling
She’s keeping it all bottled inside
her mind constantly reeling

Her friends adore her and her family’s proud
she has so much to live up to
But what if with, a few pills and a swig
she removed herself from view?

Daily life is a struggle
and her fears are dragging her down
What if shes not strong enough
to face the current and not drown?

She tells herself it’ll be okay
take it one day at a time
But far too quickly, the years will slip by
and leave her as proof of its crime
Tiffany May 2014
To be honest I was desperate for love
So when you came along I gave thanks to the gods above
But what once filled my thoughts with joy to while away the hours
Has now turned my heart into something twisted and sour
Tiffany Oct 2014
How could you* cheat me
Of my hopes, dreams, and wishes
For one drunken night
Tiffany Aug 2017
there’s a hunger
in the soul
that aches
for something
than what we are
      - *soul mates
Tiffany Feb 2014
Hush now, little one, it’ll all be over soon
The sun will bring the light, and hide away the moon
Close those big blue eyes, and listen to my heart
Hear the steady beat, and feel your fears depart

I am here tonight

Hush now, little one, it’ll all be over soon
Come and huddle close, while I hum this little tune
Mommy knows you’re scared, and I was once scared too
But my mom was there for me and I am here for you

I am here tonight

Hush now, little one, it’ll all be over soon
Ignore the flash of light and the clap of thunderous doom
Instead look at me and slowly fade into sleep
relax your mind and rest it, forget the world so deep

I am here tonight

Hush now, little one, it’ll all be over soon
I’ll hold you close and keep you safe
As you drift to sleep
Your tiny little soul, like a flower soon to bloom
Will flourish through the storm

I am here tonight

Now there will come a day when I will be gone
But still I’ll watch over you
Know I love you little one
And it’ll all be over soon
Tiffany Feb 2014
I am who I am
There’s nothing else to say
I’m living my life
On the edge of the fray

I used to try and blend
Into the sea of lies
But I stepped out to the side
No veil before my eyes

I am who I am
There’s nothing else to say
I’m living my life
On the edge of the fray

You can try to push and pull me
But I know where I stand
Try to knock me down
But I will withstand

I am who I am
There’s nothing else to say
I’m living my life
On the edge of the fray

When the rest of the world
Is dressed in solemn black
I’ll wear a brilliant red
And stand out from the pack

I am who I am
There’s nothing else to say
I’m living my life
On the edge of the fray

I know what I believe in
And no you can’t sway me
Don’t bother to reform me
I will not bow down gently

I am who I am
There’s nothing else to say
I’m living my life
On the edge of the fray

Be who you want to be
Whether it’s a follower or a leader
But would it be so bad
To simply just be neither

I am who I am
There’s nothing else to say
I’m living my life
On the edge of the fray
Tiffany Mar 2014
I dreamt a dream so perfect
That I nearly wept
The world as I knew it
Held beauty I won’t soon forget

The sky was a velvet black
Marked with the pinprick of stars
The earth green and lush
Bearing no man-made scars

Rivers flowed lazily
Without a care in the world
The animals played so happily
Wild and undisturbed

I walked amongst them, hesitantly
Yet they showed no fear
I was taken in and accepted
When I saw something appear

A man so unique
Unlike any other
With inky locks and a charming smile
My knees turned to rubber

He approached and took my hand
Leading me into a clearing
Where we danced beneath the stars
I nearly forgot I was dreaming

But as the sun rose over the far horizon
I awoke to find myself alone
Longing for the vision
I had so briefly been shown
Tiffany Apr 2014
What is there left to say
That you’d left me here for dead
You didn’t expect me to survive
Sorry to say, you’ve been misled

I slowly regained my senses
Letting my rage grow bottled inside
I’ll unleash my fury upon you
There’s no use in trying to hide

I’ll take back what you robbed me
A life filled with bliss
But I’ll do so quietly
I’ll **** you with my poison kiss

Hate does something peculiar
To the human heart
It’s made me shrewd and cunning
I’ll make your death a work of art

When you tried to **** me
You left too much at stake
You didn’t finish the job
But I've learned from your mistake
Tiffany Nov 2014
I'm waiting by the phone
For a call that never comes
I'll sit here in the silence
With my broken heart, so numb

It's when you act like it's alright
I know that nothing's fine
You can try to tell your lies
But you were never really mine

Those three little words
Thrown around so much
Have they lost their meaning?
They've lost their euphoric rush

I want to beg, down on my knees
But I will never stoop to that level
I'll keep my pride and carry on
No matter how I may tremble
Tiffany Apr 2014
I’m sorry  this is who I am
And I’m sorry you don’t understand
I’m sorry for the way life works
And I’m sorry for the way you’ve hurt

Forgive me for the many wrongs
Found on this forsaken earth
Forgive me for the suffering
And for those who’ve never known comforting

I apologize for the millions of deaths
Of those who were too young
And I apologize for the way you felt
When you realized the hand you’d been dealt

I’ve come to terms and understand
These things are not my fault
But for you I’ll take the blame
And bare the weight of your horrendous pain
Tiffany Apr 2014
I wish words could express
The way my heart is aching
But this pain is like no other
My soul is slowly breaking

You snuck your way into my life
And left your heavy mark
How can I move on past
With this gaping wound, so dark?

You may as well have inked my skin
For there’s no chance I’ll forget
The emotions you’ve awakened inside
That now **** me with regret
Tiffany May 2014
We’ve been given the Earth
And told to fix their transgressions
But that’s easy for them to say
While they’re relaxing away in heaven

The generation before
Has really ******* us over
And if we don’t act quickly
We’ll be faced with some indecent exposure
Tiffany Apr 2014
There’s ice in her veins that wasn’t there before
A chill in her soul that freezes her very core
The man she loved is who’s to blame
He lured her into this sadistic game

She never had reason to doubt
He’d warmed her from the inside out
Or so she had so innocently thought
But all the love she’d felt was for naught

For this evil snake in disguise
Had kept hidden an ugly surprise
One which would rock her world
Leaving her with a heart so gnarled

He raised her up to watch her fall
Standing by as she was forced to crawl
Wonder why she is so cold?
There’s still more to this story that goes untold
Tiffany Feb 2014
Here is where the devil lies
Where darkness brings your fears to life

You can't undo what has been done
There's no escape, nowhere to run

Leave the life you've known behind
Let the flames consume your mind

The gates of Hell are open wide
Here the drums, nowhere to hide

Don't you scream from the pain you've earned
You played with fire, and darling you've been burned
Tiffany Aug 2017
Close my eyes
Lay still like the dead
Stare into the darkness
Thoughts running through my head

Close my eyes
Feel anxiety closing in
Lose myself online
Escape my mental sin

Close my eyes
Wait for sleep to come
Realize it's hopeless
Wait to see the sun
Tiffany Aug 2017
there's magic in the moonlight
like the magic in her eyes
it bathes the world in silver light
casting shadows as passions arise

there's heat in the night
like the fire in his eyes
it burns and rages between them
cries rising like smoke to the skies

there's chaos in the darkness
like the chaos in their eyes
it envelops their logical minds
their bodies slave to the prize

there's peace in the shadows
like the peace that enters their eyes
it settles in the bones and souls
with whispers that bring forth the sunrise
Tiffany Dec 2014
I’m trapped inside the moonlight
with you laying close to me
I’m not sure of this reality
because it’s made up of my dreams

I’m scared if I close my eyes
you’ll slip and fade away
I can’t believe you’re here with me
what can I do to make you stay

I’m torn inside the moonlight
my heart is a battleground
I shouldn’t be here with you tonight
but I feel so safe and sound

I trace your body with my fingertips
and forever locked in my memories
are the beat of your heart, the warmth of your skin
I’ll remember them for centuries

I embrace you in the moonlight
and ignore the ramifications
The voices that say you’re just a phase
Don’t understand what we have is gravitational

I couldn’t stay away if I wanted
and for you I know it’s the same
I love you and every fiber of your being
your body, your soul, your name
Tiffany Jun 2014
I try not to look in the corner, where your guitar rests--isolated and forsaken. I’ve tried to keep myself busy, so I don’t have time to think. So I don’t have time to feel. But for all the effort I put in, it’s pointless. For no matter how involved I become, there’s nothing to distract me as I lie alone at night, imagining you strumming away a song to carry me into forever.

That guitar is all I have left to remember you by, that and the empty space in my heart where you once lived. Where you tore your way into my soul and scraped out a place to call your own. And for however painful it might have been, I was never happier. You became a part of me, your haunting voice lingering in my mind through the night, chasing away the darkness.

Now the darkness has taken your place, leaving me a hollow shell of what I once was. The wretched void consumes me and as much as I cry out for help, my pleas are engulfed by the nothingness I’ve come to know. No one knows. No one can help me. Was this how you felt? Was this why you chose to leave?

My thoughts can’t help but to drift away to that edge, to the point of no return. Could that be the solution to my agony, would that vanquish this feeling of desolation? What would I find there?

I push it all away as I lean against the wall, sliding slowly to the floor. The rain that pounds against the window pane seems just another force determined to flatten me into submission, into nothing. I reach a hand out and stroke my fingers lightly across the strings. The resulting echoes are like stabs to the chest, each vibration slicing away a part of me. I **** my hand back and cradle it against my chest, unable to staunch the flow of tears that come pouring out as heavily as the torrential downpour outside.

I struggle to see through the film over my eyes and with the dim lighting coming in through the window, I can just barely see the reflection off the smooth, black finishing of your guitar. Memories bombard me as I clench my eyes against my minds eye. Seeing you run your hands fluidly over the neck, your agile fingers plucking out the enchantingly beautiful notes, as gently as when you would touch me…..

I can’t take much more of this. Being left here alone is too much for me to handle, I can’t face this oblivion on my own. Blindly I reach out for the edge of my desk and pull myself up. My hand skims over something icy cold and grasp the handle of the silver letter opener my grandmother gave me.

I sink back down, letter opener in hand and I feel sure for the first time since you died. I drag the blade across my skin, not even feeling the pain as I watch in fascination the scarlet lines appear, first faint then bold as the blood runs out. I rest my head on the floor, mesmerised as the dark pool around me grows ever larger.

There’s a heaviness weighing down on me now, and yet I’m feeling almost
weightless. My eyelids are growing heavy and I can’t keep them open as the darkness creeps over my vision. There’s a faint pounding in my ears and I can’t help but hear labored breathing. I wonder who that could be? Eh, that doesn’t matter now. I relax and I swear I feel like I’m floating. I’m drifting off to sleep now, my mind slowly shutting down. But as I let go, I swear I can hear your voice and the strum of your guitar, lulling me into infinity.
Tiffany Jun 2015
I remember
that night,
when you sent me that first text.

I remember
how you loved my eyes
and I didn’t know what to expect.

I remember
the days that passed,
growing closer all the while.

I remember
all the laughs,
every innocent smile.

I remember
when I said,
I’d never loved before.

I remember
your surprise,
and a promise for what was in store.

I remember
the first time,
I ever saw your face.

I remember
first hearing your voice,
and the way my heart did race.

I remember
her too,
the girl who stole you away.

I remember
falling for you,
and not knowing if you’d stay.

I remember
the late nights,
spent crying and alone.

I remember
when you walked out,
and I was helpless, so alone.

I remember
the hell,
that I came to know as life

I remember
every memory,
that drove me to the knife.

I remember
when you came back,
and shocked me to the core.

I remember
the bond we had before.

Of course I remember,
for how could I forget?
A single moment of our story,
that isn’t finished yet.
Tiffany Feb 2014
Moonlight shines high above the trees
Feeling the gentle swaying breeze
Silent tears stream down my face
As I think of the choices that you made

On the edge, I'm looking down
The waves below, the crashing sound

I feel in my heart it's time to go
As I close my eyes I just know
When they open again, you'll be beside me
One last step and I know we'll be
Together forever, you and me
Tiffany Jun 2014
Keep holding on
Because even in your darkest hour
You mean something to someone
And that’s an awesome power

Why would you throw that all that away
On a hunch things will only get worse?
Life’s full of ups and downs
It’s a gift, not a curse

Those moments when you want to fall apart
And let your tears wash you away
They’re building you up to face
Anything that may come your way

And those good times that seem so few
Are only that much sweeter
When you’ve tasted the bitter side of living
The meaning behind the little things, becomes so much deeper

So keep holding on*
You have so much to offer the world
To rob the Earth of such a gem
Is on it’s own, a crime too gnarled
Tiffany Apr 2014
I’m setting off on my own
And wondered what you were thinking
But then again, you never cared
Just go back to your drinking

I’ll find my way, without you
And it’ll be easy you see
For I’ve been making it on my own
As long as my memory can remind me

Don’t trouble yourself, I know my way to the door
Go ahead and take another pull
You’ll need the ***** to keep you straight
When you realize your life isn’t worth bull
Tiffany Jul 2014
So you asked me to write
And explain how I feel
But to be perfectly honest
I’m not sure what’s real

My mind is pretty ****** up
And my issues make me a mess
Then again you already knew that
It’s not all that hard to guess

Keeping that in mind
Know trusting isn’t my strong suit
I’ve grown so used to lies
Trust is practically uncouth

Just my writing this says something
I’m taking a leap of faith
Know I’m laying down my cards
And it’ll **** me if you’re a fake

With that being said
You’re constantly on my mind
I’m always wondering what you’re doing
And if your thoughts are close to mine

I think you’re adorable and ****
Plus you get me like no one else
You’re the sweetest guy ever
Even when you’re being a **** xP

I wish you were here
and not 6,000 miles away
I wish you could really hold me
Every moment of every day

I started out writing
Unsure and in doubt of
But I think what I’m starting to realize
Is I’m slowly falling in love

So ask me again if I love you
And my answer will be the same
But just read over these words
And you’ll see what I’m afraid to say
some parts are rather meh o.O
Tiffany Apr 2014
Don’t treat me like a child
Would a child do this?
Make you burn alive inside
Press your skin against my lips?

I’m not your little sister
Only a year younger
With the thoughts I have of you
I’ve developed a womanly hunger

Shh…. don’t speak
Just let it go
With the way we’re feeling
Why bother to say no?

You can tell me you don’t want me
But the joke would be on you
Because your body says something different
Showing me what’s really  true

If you’re worried about my brother
What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him
I know he’s your best friend
But we’re not acting on a whim

I know I want you now
But I’ll want you in the future
Don’t you think he’d love
His “bro” to be my suitor?

It really doesn’t matter
What anyone else thinks
I want you and you want me
Now let’s start with a few drinks
Cheers (;
Tiffany Apr 2014
I know that I am lost
But how can I be found
For I put no faith in stories
That seem so logically unsound

Does that make me evil?
Since I find it hard to believe
In the one called King of Kings
Or the wonders He achieved?

I think I’ll continue to exist
In this state of suspension
Until my faith can be confirmed
And I might be relieved from this dimension
Tiffany May 2014
I’m finding it harder to write now
When the words once leapt on screen
Now the flow’s slowed to a trickle
A pale version of it’s former gleam

I once wrote this was my lifesblood
And if this were to be true
I find my strength depleting
Just barely able to scrape through

Can you sense I’m passing
From this world into the next
Cause of death: Exsanguination
Due to scarcity of text
Tiffany Aug 2017
the silence
between them
was deafening
        - *what words could never say
Tiffany Mar 2014
You can’t escape into the light, when the darkness lives inside
There always comes a time when we must face our demons
But what am I to do when the monster lives in my head
And changes my moods like the seasons

We all have our scars, some more than others
Marking the pages of our lives
Though not all can be seen, they’re lying under cover
Hidden from view, except to those who wield the knives

There is a mask we hide behind, one of happiness and deception
But our eyes show the truth, that is so unrelenting
Windows to the aching soul within, colors shining in the darkness
Revealing what's inside, to unravel what we keep pretending
The struggle beneath is only clear to those who are struggling too
Tiffany Jul 2014
He makes me feel perfect
Which is far from how you do
I feel loved and cherished
Something with you I never knew

He tells me that I’m beautiful
And I could almost believe it’s true
If it weren’t for those years
You spent convincing me your view

If only you were a nightmare
I could wake from in the morning
And find him there instead
My perfect prince charming

But the nightmare is my life
And he is just a dream
I escape to in the night
When the world is not what it seems
Tiffany Dec 2014
I glance around the room
At the faces I "hold most dear"  
The fake laughs and plastic smiles
I see on this day each year

What a special time Christmas is
For the young and the old
It reminds us why we ignore one another
Except on this holiday in the cold

I wish it held more meaning
Than this sickening hallmark cheer
I wish I could be happy
But my emotions are unclear

The lights are faded in my sight
And the decorations mean so little
We're just continuing on a cycle of lies
And I'm here stuck in the middle

But I don't really care anymore
I've  become numb in the end
So I'll wish you a merry Christmas
And continue to pretend
Tiffany Feb 2014
I gaze upon Her beauty
And am humbled by the sight
The vision of my Goddess
The embodiment of Moonlight

The Night cloaks Her body
And creates a star studded gown
Her hair cascades into the dark
Upon Her brow rests a silver crown

The Shadows meld against Her skin
Which glows with ethereal light
My Mother, born in Darkness
Keeper of the Night

But Her eyes are what captured my attention
They were so full of Love
She knew me as Her Daughter
And the woman I had Become

Her picture seared into my mind
And I know that I am blessed
She graced me with Her Image
And I know I passed the test
Tiffany Mar 2015
You’ve come back in my life
Like the dawn in the night
Chasing away the shadows
That haunt my broken mind

My life was left in shambles
I was ripping at the seams
But now you’re back again
It’s like I’m in a dream

And if it’s true I’m merely dreaming
I hope to never wake
For to live without you after this
Would be more than I could take

So take me into your arms
And keep me from the pain
Be my guardian angel
Never leave my side again
<3 D.A.R. <3
Tiffany Oct 2014
Death is my only
Escape from this living hell
So long and good bye
Tiffany Mar 2014
Yes, I’ve been to Hell
I saw the fiery blaze
Stared into Satan’s eyes
And lost myself in his gaze

I remember the screams
Of the ****** and forsaken
I was too late to escape
For my soul had been taken

But what I didn’t see coming
Was that my heart was gone too
Had I fallen in love
Just when life fell through?

The demon for which I fell
Lured me from my path
He brought me to the Underworld
Where I knew merciless wrath

He had the looks of an angel
But it wasn’t until I’d fallen
I saw his black heart
Which was by no means uncommon

He twisted my world
Until I forgot who I was
Until he became my everything
My life's only cause

This demon I speak of
Who changed my world view
Oh what was his name…..
Oh wait, it was you
Tiffany Aug 2017
i won't allow you this
power over me to twist
my mind to believe
i was in the wrong

when you were the
one to treat me
like a play toy
picking me up when
it was fun
throwing me away when
it stopped

i am a woman
not a trinket
for your amusement
and i refuse to
stand by while the cycle
Tiffany Feb 2015
Who can save me now?
Darling, I'm falling down
Bring me to the light
Don't leave me in this endless night

I'm reaching through the dark
Calling out with my broken heart
Can't you hear my pleas?
Baby, I'm down on my knees

Don't leave me here alone
I can't take it my own
You can save me from this hell
Only you can break this spell
Tiffany Feb 2014
See the ship on the horizon
A silhouette against the setting sun
Aboard you know he waits for you
Fight the urge to jump and run

Feel your heart hammer against your ribs
And the soft breeze stroke your cheek
As the ship rests at dock
You hurry along the beach

Sailors pass you right and left
And you feel the panic set in
When suddenly you spy the captain
And his look of sympathetic chagrin

Shake your head as you hear the words
“There was an accident….”
No, no this can’t be!
Though the truth is evident

Stumble down along the sand
The waves lap against the shore
Erasing the footprints of your past
And your hopes for what lied in store

Fall to your knees and cry
Your world ended in a second
With every sob you slowly die
And pass into legend
Tiffany May 2014
When man plays God
We see where that leads
Down a dark winding path
To a place light recedes

The power of life and death
Is one all too often abused
By those who’d control the world
Leaving us dazed and confused

Let’s take this to a new level
One most would rather ignore
What about the criminals
We’ve sent to Satan’s door

Did we have the right to do such
Although it bettered mankind
Are we no better than them now
Caught in this killer’s state of mind

Now let’s bring in genetics
It’s incredible how far science has come
But to create life in a lab
Is the utmost sin, considered by some

Now consider a mother
With her child still within
Is it our place to pass judgement
Should she choose to abort what could've been

How can we dare to judge
Or think we know better
That our opinions are law
And apply to the world forever

When man plays God
No good can come forth
Only violence and bloodshed
And warfare on Earth
Tiffany Feb 2014
Can someone tell me how
Life came to be?
I don’t want a religious tale
That one with Adam and Eve

I could use a few answers
I’m just curious you see
Am I in charge of my fate
Or a victim of destiny?

What’s below the surface?
Far below the tide
What’s out in space?
Where not a soul can hide

And what is the soul?
A figment of our creation?
Or is it the energy of our life
Left in permanent migration?

This is what I think of
When you see me staring off
I’m searching for some answers
So don’t roll your eyes and scoff
Might make some alterations
Tiffany Aug 2017
by learning to love you
i learned to love myself

for in your eyes
i could see reflected
everything i am
that makes up my being
that you came to love

and while i fell for you
i fell for myself too
Tiffany Feb 2014
Like a ghost it follows close
Never to be acknowledged or forgotten

The "what might have been's", haunt your heart and dreams, and your every waking moment

No wish upon a star, will change the facts from what they are
Your time has come and gone and now we're moving on
Tiffany Feb 2014
Take a step, miss a breath
There's something watching you

Turn around, make no sound
There's nothing in your view

Quicken your step, one ragged breath
There's something after you

Whirl around, none to be found
There's this feeling you can't shake

All alone, the light is gone
When you feel a breath on your neck

Hands over your eyes, scream but you can't find, the breath you once held

It has finally caught you
Tiffany Apr 2014
This isn’t a game
This actually kills
Do you think it’s cute?
To say cutting gives you thrills?

You’re lying to the world
And more importantly to yourself
Self harm isn’t a joke
People have actually killed themselves

There’s pain behind their actions
Or an addiction to be endured
It’s not a rise to fame
Or anything that absurd

It’s a serious problem
So don’t pretend your life is ****
When there are others out there
Struggling not to submit
Tiffany Aug 2017
there is no shame
in asking for help*
but the obligation instilled
by a society that dismisses
mental health
forces me to remain silent
Tiffany Apr 2017
I miss when life was simpler
When Death was just a thought
but the  innocence of childhood is a jewel which can't be bought.

Those memories too often come flooding back
A reminder of what once was and what I've come to lack
I miss when life was simpler and wish for the days
When Death was just a musing
And time was void of that desolate haze

I miss when life was simpler and long for the days of self assurance
For when Death becomes reality
Such qualities rarely stand with endurance.

Death is part of life, but I wish that it was simpler.
Tiffany Feb 2014
I’ll close my eyes and let go
Of all the memories we made
I’ll let them flow away
Like the blood from this blade

I see her in your arms
And it cuts me to the quick
There isn’t much that hurts me more
Now my wrists are feeling slick

I don’t do it for attention
Or to get you back
I do it for the pain
It helps keep me on track

I can focus on the pain
And it gets me through the night
Which is when I miss you most
When the moon is shining bright

I’m getting dizzy now
But I still see your face
You’ll always be a part of me
You’ll witness my disgrace

The tears are flowing now
As the world is growing black
But I still hear your voice
Like it’s sounding through a crack

You’re calling out her name
And I feel my heart give way
Why is it that in death
You still cast me astray?
Tiffany Feb 2014
Society has an image
Of whom we're all meant to be
But life is what you make it
You can be anything you dream

Fear is just a state of mind
It exists only if you allow it
The darkness that hangs around
Is nothing more than shadowed ground

We start at a disadvantage
Victims of our own desires
We crave law and order
A tyrant is what we require

This is our subconscious
What we feel beneath the surface
But in our every waking moment
To be free is our main purpose
Tiffany Apr 2014
There’s no meaning to this game
If you cannot speak my name
I gave you all I had to give
But your eyes reveal your shame

At first I didn’t want to believe
There was a tale of lies which you did weave
But when the truth lies before me
There is no way to remain naive

So what am I to do?
I’m but a simple girl who wanted something new
I suppose that’s where I goofed
But despite the odds, my love for you grew

Now I see what you’ve become
I know now the deeds you’ve done
And I’m unsure of what to say
For this betrayal has left me numb

On second thought, I have it now
You hurt me, no need in saying how
You aren’t worth my time
And with these words I vow

Never again will I fall in a daze
For a player who’d set me ablaze
And leave me alone to burn
So I swear for the rest of my days
Tiffany Feb 2014
Dawn is coming
Soldier brave
So is war
To take you away

One last kiss
Before we depart
Before you leave
Taking my heart

When sailing on the open sea
Going farther away from me
Remember that I love you so
And soldier brave, hurry home
Tiffany Feb 2014
So this is what its like
To feel like I belong
To be held in his arms
Protected from all wrong

So this is what it’s like
To have a trying day
But when I see his face
I know it’ll all be okay

So this is what it’s like
To be part of another
To know his every thought and dream
And long for no other

So this is what it’s like
To no longer feel the pain
With his touch he soothed it
Like a cleansing rain

I’ll remember what it’s like
When there comes a day
When he’s no longer with me
And I’ll keep the ache at bay
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