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Carson Guy Jun 2016
Behold, our great nation!
Watch us foil you.
Watch us unleash the might yielded of our idealism, our perseverance, ourselves.
Watch us smite you.
Watch us sacrifice, yes we shall.
For those foes who watch.
Watch us endure you.
Watch us.
And remember us.
Carson Guy May 2016
What a blissful high
To not care for the day before
To only look ahead
And not to worry
About what came before.

Such is utmost optimism
One I do implore
In times of not.
But let it be clear
Such is not of carelessness.
Carson Guy May 2016
When those who preach consequences
inflict unnatural consequences
upon those aware of their reality
what is the duty of the poeple
but to react,
Carson Guy Mar 2016
Perhaps, in less than ideal times
One lays still
Longing to be still forever
As they will eventually be moved
Whether by need or responsibility.
But what is really longed for
Is not to be told to move,
or else
But for someone to ask
Why would you lay still?
Carson Guy Mar 2016
There is a critical question that needs to be asked for the upcoming society:

Is freedom to explore opportunity seemingly endlessly in quantity, yet limited in reality?
To be safe and secure and to have these opportunities with all safety and security, so long as you follow the perceived virtuous norm?

Or is freedom really to not be questioned why you do, but rather to be the canvas of which you paint your own perception, your own path?

One is the beginning of the path to oppression

Another is the beginning of the path to
True Freedom
Carson Guy Mar 2016
Love is home, above all else.
Love is the separation between what you held symbolic and what you now see as life itself.
Love is imperishable, yet poison exists.
Love is no hesitation, no doubt.
Love is drunk.
Love is always, regardless of how deeply buried.
Love is what feels morally right.
And love is content.
Carson Guy Mar 2016
What a beautiful idea
To see an idea of ideas
That no one else could see
I want to use it
Yet not abuse it
To inspire others
To see the good and purge the bad
Give me an army they will be not
Knights of the sword, but
knights of the heart and mind and all in between.
Oh, what a beautiful idea.
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