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 Dec 2015 Mariana Nolasco
My thoughts for you are simply video games.

Back and forth, repeating as you see; As much as I wish to stop, I only become more **a d d i c t e d .
We humans are so cruel.
The way we hurt each other,
With out even realizing it.
As if we have never experienced sadness ourselves.
And without even meaning to,
We create this painful cycle.
Where no one wins,
Someone is always hurt,
And happiness is nothing but a memory.
 Dec 2015 Mariana Nolasco
Let me fall back into your heart,
And lie besides you
On this purple, diamond sea.

Let me unpeel your skin from your bones
And find again the love within you,
Running blue against your wrists.

Let me still visit like an old friend,
There to protect you
From those burning sienna skies.

Let me take from you the bottle, the dagger too,
For I will not let you
Lose yourself on these frothy, hemlock waves.

Let me, though I am dead, still beat in your heart,
For I will not leave you,
Until you too are ready depart.
One day, I'll stop writing about Frankenstein
 Dec 2015 Mariana Nolasco
The man I thought you were is haunting me even in my dreams.

The man who valued loyalty,

The man you had me convinced that you were.

He makes me cling to my dreams.
He makes me question if everything you ever said was a lie.
He shows your true colors.

You see, I never fell for you,
I fell for the man who haunts my dreams.

I fell for the man who love
his country,
his God,
his family.

I fell for the man you portrayed yourself to be.

Even I should have seen past all of that.

But the one I thought you were still
Written 12.15.15

I see who you are now.
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