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Katie Flower
Bridgid P Newman-Henson
no one in particular
Boston    "You never get me, that's the whole point"
Tom Pearson
heather leather
17/F/wonderland.    heather. amateur poet. even more amateur person.
Vanessa Gatley
23/F    share some of my work, if you like FOLLOW BACK love ya keep writing rock on Message lot of people who have seen my work ...
Granny Kari M Knutsen
Ooops!!! Psssst! PSSSSSST!!! YES, YOU!!! Hello there, my Friend! Do visit my Website to see pictures and know more about me. WELCOME TO MY ...
David Ehrgott
EVERYWHERE!    All writing material are the intellectual property and copyright of myself, David Ehrgott. contact me for permission to use or print/reprint. Like me on Facebook ...
F/Iowa USA    The free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it - basically because you feel good, very good, when you are near ...
I occasionally indulge myself in writing about what I think of the surrounding environments.
Savage    I am a writer, exploring topics, exploring opportunities, finding avenues to release my words, and hopefully use this journey to help define my everyday life. ...
Peter Watkins
19/M/England    Just a University student looking to hone his craft, and share the rewards
Justin G
A poet's poet    Love is aphotic. Brilliance is luminous. In order to grasp either one must sacrifice the many colorations of joyfulness.
Joanne Heraghty
F/Dublin, Ireland    Poetry is my home. Always interested in making new friends so do not hesitate to message me :) Follow on Instagram: jgheraghtypoetry | | ...
26/M/INDIA    Nobody
Crushing Love
In my head, It's safe    Once again dying slowly.........and all because I let people in.....Thanks for the advice world.....I hope you have a spot in Hell ready for me....Cause I'm ...
Deborah Brooks Langford
Someone once said today will be yesterday and tomorrow will never come... so love today with all your heart, tomorrow might be too late... Friendship ...
Third Legacy
22/M/Manila    - A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver -
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