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 May 2016 The Wanderer
Amy Perry
You are capable of anything.
"So, what do I do,"
You wonder.
You wonder.
I was the moon
And you were the stars
You were faraway
But I knew you were out there
I was surrounded by your presence
Yet never knew your touch
I was the moon
Traveling on my own
Wondering if we would ever meet

One day the light was different
When you came into my life
You became my sun
I was finally warmed by your touch
But it was ever fleeting

Always a chase
Rarely meeting
I was the moon
And you were the sun
Saying goodbye became a greeting

Every now and then our epic chase
Would turn into a meeting
An eclipse and melding of souls
Almost as soon as it began it would end
And we would begin our chase again

I was the moon
And you were the sun
The art of loneliness
Isn't to be appreciated or loved
But it is felt and known by many
A lesson not taught but learned

Like flying in a rocket ship
Looking down and seeing everyone
And how the world seems to work
The feeling of not belonging with everyone else
Alone on your journey to fly alone

Always on the outside, looking in
Wondering what it would be like
To be at home somewhere

The real art of loneliness
Is how well so many of us hide it from others
Finding a career
Getting married
Being social
Yet never feeling at home

There are moments when we connect
Or cross paths with others that remind us
We aren't truly alone
It can be difficult to not become needy of these people
And we will drive them away
Because in the end
This is what we know

The art of loneliness isn't something you share with someone
We have moments that bring smiles and happiness
And those are the times when we grow tired
Because anything worth enjoying
Is better off shared with someone you love

This is the art of loneliness
You fell in love with my poetry
But does that mean you know how to love me?
Have you ever loved a poet before?
Do you understand it may take a little more?

We see things more vivid than most people do
We may seem distant sometimes
Because we are

Lost in our thoughts or daydreams
Beautiful things will sometimes make us cry
I am telling you this so you don't have to wonder why

If you love a poet
You must not be the jealous type
If you ever plan to make a poet your wife

Our poetry is for everyone, not just you
This is something you must understand
If you want a poet to be your man

Sometimes our words will come out better on paper
Than when we are speaking to you
Sometimes we still might feel alone
No matter what you say or do

Do you really understand what it takes to love a poet?
Do not let our words intimidate you or expect to heal our scars
Just accept us for the beautiful souls we are

We will love you like no other
And the way we will show it will leave you smitten
We will again and again proclaim it through the poems we've written

When you love a poet
Each kiss will be a masterpiece
Each embrace will be the first and last

When you love a poet
They will be a puzzle
And you will be a puzzle piece
My heart skipped a beat
Not once, but twice!
In her presence I felt weak
On the edge of my seat
Vulnerable and nervous
I was afraid to talk
Not knowing what to say
"How are you doing today?"
And that seemed to be okay
She smiled the sweetest smile
It's direction was obvious
It's purpose intentional
I fell victim to it's power
And I knew at that very moment
That I would fall in love with her
I already had
My soul is brimmed with sin draped along grainy coasts,
My heart is thrilled by whisperings of ghosts dripping lust from their tongues,
My mind is a cramped shed of shadowed thoughts wandering inside my crisp burnt skull.
An anonymous girl ©
Romantic and sweet
Darling, you make me weak
Never having felt this before
What it really meant to give
Your heart, soul, and passions
What it meant to love someone

For a king to kneel to his queen
Not behind but besides stands she
Until you came into my life
Something had always been missing

It had always been you
Maybe our paths will take separate routes
Or maybe we will travel the same road
I am just glad to have met you on my journey
Because I don't have to continue to search

Not knowing what I was looking for
Was something that ate at me
I didn't understand why I felt empty

Because I have found you and I know that you're out there
The world just doesn't seem that bad of a place anymore

Thankful of our paths having crossed
Of those lips having kissed

Not worried about the destination
But blissful of the journey
Finding you
Instead of forever searching
I was set free
Walking home by myself
A lonely trip with only the wind to keep me company
Cigarette butts litter the curb
Whose lips they've touched
Their story I will never know

The smells of nighttime and laundry fill the air
In the distance, music can be heard mixed with laughter
Somewhere, memories are being made
Unbeknownst to the receiving, someone is falling in love
For it to only end up in heartbreak

In those high rise buildings
Someone is contemplating suicide
Three doors down, a life is being made

On these lonely walks home
I witness the world we live in
In the darkness, I can see
I used to close my eyes
To hide me away
From the things that were scaring me
When I didn't want to listen
When there were too many things going on

I've grown and undertaken
Some real mistakes
Decisions that made me judge myself

I find that nowadays
Not much has changed
From when I was a little person
At least for me, anyways

I still see a lot of good
In people
We all want the best
For our children and our favored peers

But there is all of this fighting and disagreement
A true mess
But what future do you want to have?
A place to care and love one another?
Or somewhere to distinguish and compare?

We are all in this together
If you don't realize this by now
You are lost

I keep on trying to love people
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