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The Jolteon Nov 2014
There is a room that exists
Right next to today
It is a room of tomorrow
To be encountered by our future selves
The room is full of new people
In a new place with new surroundings
Looking in the room there is an old friend
The only one you recognize
There is barley any space
But the old friend says to come in
There is laughing and partying
Many new people many new faces
But right outside the room
There is another group of people
Separated by a door
They are sitting on the ground
There is no room for them inside
They are also new faces
People you have never met
There is laughter and conversation
They don't look shiny like the people inside
There are more edges and bumps
More insecurities and less self-esteem
But there is also more life
There is an undeniable reality
That does not exist inside the room
Where do you go?
The Jolteon Jan 2018
Do tears make you blink
Or thoughts of diamond rings
Soft lips softer kiss
And skating rinks

Tear bite size pieces
Off of you for me to eat
A whole meal would just leave me
Empty and incomplete

Like lines from the worst song
Your voice lingers
Like a cranberry
You’re sweet but also sour

**** your drunken threats
Incomplete thoughts
Incomplete *****
Is all you ever gave

A time for change
Times are changing
Wake up and open your eyes
I’m wide awake and outside
The Jolteon Sep 2017
First come the roses
Then come the fears
Followed by ecstasy
Wrapped up with tears

Arms are tight
Lips are soft
Until the fights
Rip large holes

That sweet smile
Starts to disappear
Friends start to whisper
Before it turns to thin air
The Jolteon Dec 2016
Under the watch of a
We see water canons
And drone attacks

Hand the ball back to
Corporate players
Take a tighter grip
Americans panic

The tryanny
Of false prophets
Bleeds the imperialist nation
A call to the people
Rise up or die
The Jolteon Dec 2014
The calm is all I want
A heart content
My head rested
Wounds licked clean
Anxiety a rose colored idea from the past
Looking out
I can feel it again
The Jolteon Nov 2014
Where is
The time to do nothing?
Not the time to do errands
Not the time to catch up
Not the time to think about what you should be doing
Not the relaxation at end of a long day
The time to do
The Jolteon Oct 2014
Let the wine pour and fall out
Onto the screen like strings
Played out until you are full
Let my feet sing
My tongue dance
The heart strums
To its own beat
Make the music made inside you
Dancing every day
To the song of others
Let our songs play
And play
And play
Play your song
Play it soft
Play it loud
Just let it play
The Jolteon Jul 2015
By yourself
See how beautiful
Your steps can be
All by yourself
See how good
Your own moves can be
Then dance
With others
Title - Miguel song
The Jolteon Aug 2017
A lack of sympathy
A lack of empathy
A lack of understanding
That is not difficult
To understand

The inability
To see anything
But yourself
Your own prejudice
Cripples you
The Jolteon Apr 2015
This liquid lady
Makes me fall in love
With all that turns
From solid to liquid
As surely as she does
The Jolteon Jul 2015
I'm already beat
I just want that silver or bronze
Who wants it anyway
Straight from the top to the bottom
The Jolteon Mar 2015
Hated dads
Playing the
Authoritative cliche
Be the man
Become the man
The Jolteon Nov 2014
How many lives do we have
How many years do we have to live
Reaching, Climbing, Clinging
When are we allowed to be satisfied
With ourselves, with our lives
Made and told to climb abstract walls
Painted with dollar signs and gold
Spending years amassing mounds of cash
Is this the end?
Title taken from lyrics in a song titled "Play Crack The Sky"
The Jolteon Nov 2014
The beauty of missing you
Is that I can hold you in my memory
That perfect moment
Imagining my hand in yours
My head resting on your neck
There are no words disrupting
No outside thoughts impeding
Just the thought of you
The Jolteon Dec 2014
Spinnin down the street
Not afraid to ride the beat
I've felt it before
And been here before
But some
Feels so new
It's the crack in the sidewalk
The pitter
Of that downpour I've missed
The stars aligned like
I've never seen them
Not caring which way I turn
As long as I end up
Been fed up
I need the beach
Inspired by Jack Kerouac
The Jolteon Oct 2014
To always get
You want
Is an ugly
The Jolteon Apr 2015
These relationships
Hold no weight
They sink like rafts
Carrying stone
Where are my friends
If I run home
Maybe they remained
True as stone
The Jolteon Nov 2014
Pretty cars
Pretty people
Flowing wine

Fights on the street
Yelling and cursing
Bus rides alone

Thoughts of friends
Thoughts of love
Rising smoke
The Jolteon Aug 2017
Cursive words
Spread like seasons
The sun rises
With it's best intentions
The Jolteon Jan 2015
I guess time is never wasted
I hope
Regretted days
Days wasted away
Even if a whole life felt wasted
The time mattered
It was important
It couldn't of happened any other way
It ripples further than us
The Jolteon Dec 2014
is not something that just
passes us by
something that just
schedules our days
disappearing faster
than we can plan for

is all around us
embracing us
allowing for hours to turn to minutes
to turn to seconds
to an instant
frozen forever
in our memories

if there was not enough time
in this world
then we would not be here
the time is here
it is ours
we must take it
get lost in it
it will always be there
before and after
time is not "of the essence"
time is the essence
In response to the Redefine Society Challenge. Great idea!

The Jolteon May 2018
You wouldn't believe how good you are at
Being yourself
Being exactly who you need to be
Without any doubt
Knowing what's wrong
And what's right
Knowing that deep in your heart
A fire burns
Against injustice and oppression
Let your desire to fight
Guide you
You've never sought blood
Or war
In the end it's love that gives you the light
Don't forget
The Jolteon Oct 2017
You can’t save the world
On your own
Find others
Who believe in you
Surround yourself
And fight
And love
With others
Caring about others and all of the oppressed all over the world can wear you down to the bone until the point where you have nothing left and feel empty and hopeless. Make sure to take care of yourself - never forget, but also have the ability to forgive yourself for only being one single human being fighting something that takes a whole community to solve.
The Jolteon Jun 2017
Why we never talk
Only stare, smile and dance
Eat laugh
Talk ****
One day
I hope you know
The real me
The Jolteon Mar 2018
Am I dreaming
Or am I drinking
Rusty thoughts
Keep me from thinking

Leaving home
The tunnel shrinking
As i run away
The Jolteon Jun 2015
Hide lies
Don't be afraid to
Be afraid
Come in like saran wrap
Leave like tin foil
Got nothing on trade
Except bad ideas
Trying to control with secrets
Behind doors
Companies and rulers of the free
World rulers
TPP will ******* and me
Only 5 of 29 sections in the TPP have to do with trade
The Jolteon May 2015
I leave the light
On until I get
A good feeling
Then I turn
It off and go
To sleep
Watch as we turn
All by ourselves
Treasures on our shelves
While we wait for stronger
Sails to take us away
And let us be how we
Really want to be
That sounds ok to
Title taken from a song
The Jolteon Oct 2017
What happens
To a romantic
When they get
Eaten alive

They lose
Their petals
Faster than
You or I

Now i work
A 9 to 5
Stumble all day
My life feels dry
The Jolteon Nov 2014
Do the things you love
Follow the people you love
Believe what is deep in your heart
Know what is deep in your heart
Trust your head
Trust your body
Care for the things you do
Do not compromise your heart
Do not compromise what you believe in
Do not forget who you were when you were young
Do not forget what you loved when you were young
Do not always take the easiest path
Do not always take what you are given
Receive the love you deserve
Give the love others deserve
Hold on to as many friends and family as possible
Share what you know with those you love
Don't be afraid to be wrong
Don't be afraid to disappoint
Trust in yourself, in your heart, and in your mind
The Jolteon Oct 2014
I pay
To stick needles
In my mouth
Is wrong
With me
At times
I wonder
Is this
The Jolteon Jan 2015
the music
to drown out the silence
the serum
to shield the arrows
the smoke
to make the pieces whole
The Jolteon Jan 2015
Passing you by
Coffees shops
Feeling ashamed
Too scared
To come up
Years later
Look same
Feel different
The Jolteon Dec 2014
Why is
Shouting at my
The Jolteon Dec 2014
Falling out of love
Is something that happens
Minds and hearts
Drift apart
New loves
Taken up in place
Of old ones
Some love remains
But others change
Hearts once on fire
Tamed by the dulling reality
Of complacency
Loves change
The heart doesn't
The Jolteon Apr 2017
A cutie
A friend
To do
Funny bunny
Cutty buddy
The Jolteon Jan 2019
A soft touch can melt the hardest soul
Love others as you love yourself

Break off alone into the night
A heavy bottle in your jacket your light
You smell like gasoline
Your eyes lowered like a guillotine

A gentle voice can dismantle a fight
You must find love inside
This is about being at war with yourself and fighting yourself and losing. And wanting more, wanting to find genuine love and stop feeling self hatred and self loathing. It's about giving in and also about giving up.
The Jolteon Mar 2015
Next time someone
Asks again
For a Facebook that
Doesn't exist
I'll give them my
Hello Poetry
So they can put my
Life together
Like a 10,000 piece jigsaw
The Jolteon Dec 2014
El hombre no saba
Las cosas mas importante
A su hijo
El nino necesitaba
Las palabras de confidente
Que no dijo
I know VERY little Spanish, but I wanted to try writing something in another language. welcome to edits
The Jolteon Feb 2015
The scarf caused confusion
To his ignorant thoughts
Consumed by hatred and violence
He rang out eight shots
The media danced
In a pathetic flurry
Talking of "parking spots"
And "those Muslim students"
First things first
It was a hate crime
The killer had been to their house
More than one time
He condescended
He threatened
He talked down
Like bigots do
Yet this is something
The media tends to ignore
Let's focus on something less tense
Like a nice little parking spot
Next it must be said
That these were Americans
Just because they're not white
Doesn't mean they weren't born here
Yet let the media dance continues
Label them simply as "Muslims"
It's easy to forget
When it's just an "other"
So the story obscures
While these three young people are dead
Will Obama come to their defense
Or start another war instead
The Jolteon Apr 2015
You don't have
To be the perfect idea
Just that you
Give it your all
And make sure what you're
The Jolteon Mar 2015
Maybe if families
Policed each
All of the stupid ****
That happens
Would happen

Friends and family that I love
Twisted and prodded
In every direction
By fools with reproductive organs
The Jolteon Jul 2017
Like a wide open
Gaping wound
That I just
Pour salt in

But it makes me
Happy thinking
About the thought
Of you

Yet you'd watch me
And I still
Miss your face

Even though
You'd watch me
Drown myself
I cry

I cried
Seeing your
Old pictures
Our old love

And I just
Want to see you
And tell you
That I ******* hate you
The Jolteon Nov 2017
Cover yourself
With smallpox blankets
Fill your cups
With lead filled water
Meet on land
With oil pipes underneath
Eat the food
Delivered from colonies
Give no thanks
To any oppressor
Give all power
To the people
The Jolteon Jul 2015
Cracks that bleed
Popping at the seams
A nation of thieves
"Strong vs weak"
This thin veneer
Is catching less ears
More apt to see
Those shed their fear
Casting light
On treacherous plights
Orchestrated by the rich
Maintained by knife
Many are sick
Of the daily strife
A wealthy nation
Where poverty is life
The Jolteon May 2015
A stranger came in
The middle of the night
Stole all my things
Well not a stranger
A known theif
I let it all happen
So now I sit
In this empty home
The Jolteon Sep 2015
The dulling force of
Weighs heavy on the mind
Of the imaginative
Captures their dreams
And wishes
Mixed in a pool of hope
Slowly drained as the night
Gives to day
The Jolteon Nov 2014
The kid woke up
Scratching his eyes
He walked to the mirror
Disillusioned with the days tasks to come
Opening his eyes
The reflection stared back
Long hair
Unshaved beard
The boy blinked his eyes
And was gone
The Jolteon Feb 2015
Slinking over the
Slow breath
A slow step
Thick fur mats
Hunched shoulders
Moonlight catches
The back
Of the
The Jolteon Oct 2014
Is something we all need
But we don't all get
It is the human condition
To support
And be supported
To help someone who is down
To be helped when you are helpless
To comfort
To care
To understand
To give strength
To bear sadness
Is support
We all need it
Please give it
Please take it
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