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Jan 2020 · 229
I'm a professional
Thando Masekela Jan 2020
You keep me coming back
You keep giving
You keep staying
You keep saying

Come back
Here's my heart
I'm not going anywhere
I love you

I keep leaving
I keep taking
I keep chasing you away
I love you

I'm good at this you know
Back and forth
Back and fro
Hill and valley
******, coming down
You and I
So I've heard
From you before
From the you before

You're good at this, you know?
Making people love you.

I'm a professional
This is how I
Make a living
This is how I live

I feed off your love
I've been doing this a while
I'm a professional.
Toxic relationships are formed by toxic people. Hurt people.
Jan 2020 · 352
Thando Masekela Jan 2020
Whatever it takes
I'll do anything
Don't do this
Don't leave
I can change
You're everything to me
Anything you want
What do you want me to do?
What do you want me to say?
Name it!

You're worthless!
You're nothing to me!
You make me sick!
You're disgusting!
How do you live with yourself???
Don't ever come back!

*Door Bangs Shut
Leaving is never easy but when it's time. Go.
Jan 2019 · 178
Couple years.
Thando Masekela Jan 2019
Its been two years since we
Two years since our glee
To think that the stars twinkled
To our synergy
During those late nights
Walking through love and passion
Saying goodbye to hate and aggression
Behind us they seemed to be
Now behind us is what used to be

I used to flood your rivers
And you grew mountains in me
And now our essence flows over
These lifeless landscapes
Where our love blossomed
Into red and orange
Mirroring the heat in the both of us

The fault in our scars
Is what we feared
And so the halt in our car was
Rejected at first
Then accepted.

What do you tell the rain
When it has nowhere to pour
I mean that the grounds on which
Its purpose exist, aren’t there
At all.
Well you don’t. Tell it, that is,
That it’ll fall for infinite eternities.
That amnesty and dishonesty go
Brilliantly together.
So does the abstract and harmonies.

You simply live with yourself.
Knowing that 2 years ago
Life had life.
And now it must live again
Jan 2019 · 313
When do you know?
Thando Masekela Jan 2019
I saw a picture of you
And I knew impressions last
I saw a picture of you the other day
And I knew time had nothing to do with healing.

I saw how beautiful you looked the other day
And I remembered that you’ve always been
“Beautiful”, I used to call
You always answered
As if your flaws were Vogue

I saw you the other day
I froze

My bones shaking
I can hear your heart breaking
I walk up to you
So I looked some more
Scrolled down your feed
Fed my desperate need
Closed my eyes
Thought of our seed
Or what was.

Don’t go
You said
Your eyes did the talking
Your tears
Something I didn’t see coming
Well it hit me
3 years later.
We were in the same place. Space.
I wish I hadn't.
Jan 2019 · 204
Thando Masekela Jan 2019
I'm riddled with
The darkness of the other side
The oblivion that lies within
Mysteries of the horizon.

I've been there and it's
Anticlimactic really
Because there's more

More mystery
More oblivion
More darkness
More riddles.

Nothing to write home about
Nothing to waste my tears on
Nothing that fills my soul
Nothing worth waking up for.

And so I come back to you
Where the grass is plush
Where I've weathered the storm
Where I'm understood
Where I can be loved.
Is the grass grass greener on the other side?
May 2017 · 296
Trees Tranquil
Thando Masekela May 2017
I'd always thought that my eyes were what I used to see everything around me- Narcissistic much- from the way flowers bow to the moon and look directly at the sun like it has no power... or how bloodhounds sniff seemingly aimless at trees while the tree bark stays tranquil. Though their silence does come at the cost of immobility.

What is it though we would be without movement? Vegetables. as if they don't receive power from the son, as if their roots don't  go on a journey of immersion into the marrow of the earth, and the earth full of nutrition, doesn't provide it with the strength of the floor beneath us. Solid as rock.

Have you ever thought about it like this though? What if they are too busy listening to the tree that gives them life to blabber? They are so focused on hearing that they know not what speaking is.

It is not to their peril that they cannot move, for they live eternally in the silence of receiving from He who gives them life.

The arrogance of man has disintegrated his ability to stop and listen. His confidence in knowing has mystified God's Voice. Made it deep and loud and only heard by a selection of unblemished sheep.

It is this then that I wish for you and I humans alike, intelligent by nature of the tree. Prone to speak for the apple is intertwined with our larynx.


Tell another story, of the people who tamed their massive wildly lethal mouths, amputated their ears for satellites and sat down and listened. Simply. Sincerely.
Frustrated Rambles.
May 2017 · 1.7k
Things to do.
Thando Masekela May 2017
So busy so busy.

Getting mine getting yours
What's the sine of  this?
Add 9 to that!
Wait. I'm too busy!!!

Busy busy busy.
There's a species said to be associated with this.
They'll bee forever remembered
For their to and fro and their
Back and forth.
But I'm too busy! Too busy to notice.

Bees. Bees. Bees.
Mind our own bees wax!
You're busy alright, busy being an anteater that's what! Hm.
Get your nose out my busyness!!
I'm just an ant. An ant. An ant.
Not a worker. Just an ant.

Keeping ****** busy.

I'm done. Being. Busy. With the. Business. Of. Busyness.

I can't take it. This Human Nature.
Scrambling Thoughts. I caught a few here.
Feb 2017 · 415
The difference
Thando Masekela Feb 2017
To Anda

Meet me like a toddler.

Stop it with your assumptions and meet me like a toddler.

Eyes still unsure about the ultraviolet of the sun.
Nose still in constant awe of the sewage and the roses and the lavender and the nothingness of glass.
Feet still wandering the touch of grass, pokes and cushions and hides and grows still. Wonderful.

Ears still inexperienced in the world filled with things to see and scents to smell, roads to walk.

And at the first sound of another toddlers voice.

A brand new sensation all to-get-her.

Attention. Even with all of the stimuli that surround him, altogether, he gathers the focus to see her eyes silent in the light of the sun, and her nose flare in the tranquil of the cheap smell of grape before the cellar and her limbs mute in preparation for her next move.

"Hi, I'm..."

And all at once.

The sound of her voice nothing like anything on earth.

- T Masekela

— The End —