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Lior Gavra
My new book, "BitterSweet," has hit #1 New Release on Amazon's Best Sellers List, I hope you can grab a copy! Sample stories in the …
Carson Alexander Defelice
18/M/GA    I'm not poetic I'm permanently apathic and this is my only way to make you see the way I do
Sojourner unraveling Mystical realities of Life.🍂
24/M/United States    A deadly disease masquerading as a masterpiece
24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. …
Cortney Trumble
Nebraska    I've had two poems published by America Library of Poetry.
Brent Kincaid
Kapaa, Kaua'i, Hawaii    Brent Kincaid, born in Kansas City, Missouri just before WWII ended, moved to Hollywood in 1967 to pursue a career as a singer, actor and …
Pushkar Mishra
Uttar Pradesh,India    Aquarius Birthday -15 February "The Most Painful Goodbyes Are The Ones That Are Never Said And Never Explained" :') "Sometimes when I close my eyes …
"The unexamined life is not worth living."
Singapore    "If you perpetuate the dreams of the past, then you stifle your own dreams of the future" - Brandon Sanderson I'm just a guy who …
Men with green lips .see beyond sight
Vanessa Gatley
27/F    share some of my work, if you like FOLLOW BACK love ya keep writing rock on Message lot of people who have seen my work …
Nebraska    Mom of 3 been married 20 yrs. Just want to be happy.
karen dannette
NV    Poetry is my way of expressing my deepest emotions and experience. I love to read other poets' work and find it very inspiring. Thank you …

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