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I paid my penny and made my wish
A large roast dinner on a china dish
I ran straight home in time for tea
You’ll never guess what was waiting for me
In my head the ponies are stampeding
I reign back but they are wild
Run, run I call you are free
Heal the word with words of hope and love
Think it, say it, mean it, and be remembered for it.
Iv'e walked your path
I envy you not
The journey you're on
the world has forgot

You will walk through meadows
and fields of gold
You will still not believe
the words you'll be told

But you'll gather your thought
down at the old wishing well
Will you survive
only time will tell

You see time has a reason
it's brought you to this place
It's to remind you your a member
of a delicate human race

Use your time wisely
Lost and alone, ignored and put on
are the stripes you earn at the bottom of the pile

But I worked hard to be noticed
and notice I was, who could ignore my infectious smile

Then one day I looked down out of my executive suite
at the people piled high, working up from the street

I remembered the boy who was lost and alone
who worked like a dog till it was time to go home

I look for me in the shadows
at the bottom of the pile
Yes, you I'm looking for, you with the infectious smile
The world spins though we are flat
The magician the rabbit and the black top hat
We live to die to meet our maker
13 loaves equal a dozen said the baker
Then when the sun sets on your sleepy face
The moon the stars stare deep into space
So, we try to make sence, knowledge gives us the thirst
Was it the chicken or the egg that came here first
I remember how you looked, so proud so hansom standing
in the doorway in your new uniform.
I remember the excitement in the faces of you and your new
friends as you marched out of our village.
I remember watching the new reals of men falling, lost forever and wondering if it was you.
I remember the joy of your letters on the doormat and the sadness
of those white empty mats.
But most of all I remember that you never returned and the men who did, there faces tell a different story.
I will remember you today as that young hansom man standing in the doorway.
I remember **
I don't know how to say this, but, you know!
He said, as my stomach tightened
May be we should have a break?
He said, as my hands lifted out of my pockets.
It will be good for us, don't you think!?
He said, as a smirk broadened my face.
What do you think. He said,??
F* off I said
So, he did
And he was right, I feel great!
Lockdown will test us this, love of ours
Days turns into weeks and counting the hours

Your thoughts are escaping turning to words from within
Yes, I do know it's Friday my turn to empty the bin

And yes I've washed my hands as soon as I came back
And I heard you singing that song hit the road Jack...…..

So I popped a cork, poured you a nice glass of wine
 The smile on your face says we're doing just fine
The book I started to read filled me with hope and tears of joy
I remembered with excitement thinking, I could have been that boy

As the pages turned, my excitement diminished and the boy was, no-more
I continued to read his story but not with the same gusto as before

Until it came to light there was a girl who filled his dreams
Who loved him as much as I did, or so it seems?

As the pages turned with sadness, she took a leading part
Then as the last page turned, we both died of a broken heart

So, I closed the book and wiped away my tears of grief
Loathing the author who stole my heart, the ***** thief
I thought about time

But it quickly passed me by

Before I could think again

It was time for me to die
Like an ant I walk on the forest floor
I hid under leaves from the midday mayhem
Finding my own way in a wilderness of rotting flesh
Until I come across an oasis of a green unspoilt eden
I see the dark clouds rolling toward me
Not a leaf in sight
All there is is bad news
Dark clouds gather
as the light fades to a hue
I study all the face
and ponder what to do
I'm far away from nowhere
and time is getting late
Empty promises lay broken
do I accept what is my fate
Then I hear a voice calling
it brought me to your door
I look inside at the faces
I think, we've walked this road before
So, I thank you for your pity
as I turn to face my fate
I walk towards the darkened clouds
back to the land of greed and hate
I finished my drink on a hot summer’s day
The container all spent, I threw it away
While walking the beach on a hot summer’s day
The container all spent came back the very next day

Amused at my find on that hot summer’s day
No use for anything, so I threw it away
Children were watching, ecological they say
So I collected the ******* I’d just throw away

Watching me closely on a day they’d normally play
I carried my container I’d once threw away
I placed it in a bin where it will now lay
Then turned to the children who were now busy at play

Then I spied a young person on that hot summer’s day
With an empty container he was about to throw away
I drew in my breath and was about loudly to say
But he walked up to the bin and that’s were it will now lay

So I’ll follow the code of my new ecological way
When my container is spent, I’ll not throw it away

What about you?
You slipped though my fingers
I held you so tight
Searched all our haunts
In that cold winter night

You were carried away
His eyes bluish green
That smile on your face
The brightest I’d ever seen

So I packed my V4
Mind destroyed, feelings skinned
I sailed down that highway
Trying to catch the wind
A knock on the door
a smile on his face
I'm here to help you
in your safe place
I paused and though
is he for real
the smile on his face
looked the real deal
I welcomed him in
I knew it was wrong
can I go to the bathroom
I just went along
He rushed for the exit
and slammed the door
my bedroom was in turmoil
scattered all over the floor
my jewellery was missing
handed down from my Mum
my heart was broken
all my senses were numb
Now I'm left with no safe place
so please hear what I say
if someone comes knocking
just send them away
And the rain fell
as I looked out the window
Fluffed up birds were dancing around the pots
Gold fish were racing around the pond
and the flowers bathed  
More rain fell and I smiled
and made a Smiley face on the window pane
put my head on the window sill
and fell asleep
I dreamed of being on holidays
laying in the sun
drinking wine and watching the children
dancing to the music
then racing around the pool
as I bathed in the sun shine
and fell asleep
I dreamed I was sitting at my window
watching the rain
I see the lies float out of your mouth
My ears caress them
My heart is melted by them
My mind fears them
But, I'm yours

Until I'm healed
I watch from the corners
Mesmerised with obsession
My blood over boiled
My head full of passion

Then through the corner
You passed my mind’s eye
You twirled in a movement
As if trying to fly

As I edge closer
My head swayed with the tune
Our eye clasped together
Life a wolf’s cry at the moon

I tapped on his shoulder
And he slipped off the floor
Our bodies came closer
Already wanting for more

The scent on your neck
Made my senses go wild
The warmth of your body
Left me nowhere to hide

Then as we circled the dance floor
The crescendo grew louder, the pace didn’t drop
But, abruptly the music
Just came to a stop

I look into your eyes
Your smile left me Bereft
All the ladies in the row
Took a step to the left

My dance is now over
As I move out of the ring
The partner who replaced me
Just smiled with a grin

The corner now beckons
A safe place to stay
I’ll watch for a while
Until I’m ready to play
A barren field covered with snow
I walked and walked, where did I go

I turned, looked back, a feeling of woe
I could see not footprints in the snow

I walked back the way I'd came
Nothing looked quite the same

I turned, looked back to where I'd been
No sign of footprints could be seen

Then I remembered
It was
Just a dream
Death held me for a moment
I tumbled
Further and further I fell

Watching you as the dark descended

Your loving eyes awoke me
And dragged my back

With a gasp lasting moments
My eyes alight once more
Do you ever forget to breath?
He wore camouflaged Khaki he carried an AK gun
His world ruled with fear, no hearts here were won
Her face, the tears, a single rose for her only son
Her home destroyed by fear, the only option was to run
"War what is it good for...."
In the beginning
The end was so far away
In the end
It was just around the corner
I'm falling
so fast
you held out your hand
I tried
falling is so tiring
you caught me
your eyes were lit
I smiled
we clime together
the top is so far away
you held out your hand

Saved for another day
My eyes scan my room while sat in my bed
The book shelf and the books I’ve read

They filled my mind so I’m able to sleep
Memories, interpretations only I can keep

My friends my lovers my companions of time
Faithful friends to the end of my line

Building dreams of fantasy like aged old wine
As I look back at my life, was I just killing time?

Sadness overcomes me as I sit in my bed
And look at the books I have still not read

But, Time has not caught up with me yet!
By a tree in a wood
Where a soldier just stood

Is the emblem of suffering and pain

They all died for the good
In Mametz wood

To bring peace thou their comrades were slain

We should cherish this land if we could
For the blood that was spilt for the good

We should cherish the land where they stood

And bless them one day at their shrine
To the tune of "The Old Rugged Cross"
I tried to write a poem
About a well


Nothing springs to mind

I tried to write a poem
About violence


Nothing hits me
In the face

They say
All ways follow your dreams

I'm an insomniac!

I,m confident in my own skin

Said the snake

Never throw the first punch

Always keep you health insurance handy
bit of fun........
When the music takes you to new heights
you'll hover over mountains to marvel at the sight
Then a cord change takes you through fields of corn
watch the sunrise and dream of the new dawn
The strings lift you higher than ever before
as you find yourself peering at heavens door
Till the cello grounds you with its deep low base
as you fly off to the depths of space
Then as your eye slowly open and your senses come to land
you find you are guiding the music with the wave of your hand
Never is the night so dark and devoid of stars

When death knock your door

Never are friends so close

When death knocks your door

Never is life so real

*When death knocks your door
And so it ends a life lived full
dedicated to her loved ones
of great nations and small with equality
on this day we shall mourn
on this day we shall rejoice
she was our queen
The fire that was once
burning so bright
is now
only burning embers
Your memory
will only live as long
as the last person
who remembers.

So, if your fire
is still burning bright
And your path
ahead lays straight
Be the person
we’ll all remember
The date is set,
it is your fate
The sparrow sang for breakfast
The robin sang for tea
Death by misadventure
The jailer holds the key

The jackdaw sang for supper
The nightingale at midnight  
The major sips his sherry
The conscripts fight the fight

Then as the sun rises
The day begins again
The salmon swim in the rivers
The grouse nest in the glen

So, as you try to wonder
What this poem's all about
If you are the last to leave
Please switch the lights out
Your hands wrapped around my neck
You whispered in my ear
And kissed my cheek

Your smell hypnotised me
As you left my embrace
Fingers grasping air

You left no name
Lipstick on my collar
Now here I sit

my epitaph
for others
to read aloud

I was a…
I had a…
I would always…
How would others see me?

I am an honest person
so, I’ll let someone
else write it

Oh, I wish I could be there!
On the other hand
better I’m not
Have you ever wondered what they would say?
It was sunrise on that date
etched on my gravestone

If only I knew

What a day yesterday
might have been
You bid me farewell, you could not stay
Your cigarette glowed on my ashtray

Alone i sit, a window seat, forbidden memories i will miss
I will long still taste your final kiss
As the tears
slip down my face
I realise
I have lost you

In dreams
I hear my
mother words

How true they were

Don’t give up
there’s a place
you belong

Even now she’s gone
Her words still guide me
When a love is over
Alone we count the cost
When a glove is missing
Both are lost
We met by chance
the same woman I once new
once loved
Great memories flooded back
Marriage crushed us
the scars never healed
We passed by and smiled
I remember the first time I looked into your eyes
they were so friendly
I remember the first time our future shaped our lives
I followed freely
Then as we became one I grew to know you
some things I ignored
Then the things I ignored became you
and we became two
In the end I looked into your eyes and knew
I never really knew you
In the end did I really love you
love can be so fickle
I bought you flowers to express my love
You smiled, I wondered was that enough
Then silver I bought you and I know not why
I noticed the sad glint in your eye
Gold and diamonds were my next choice
You gasped with delight yet still no voice
Then I bought you nothing but expressed my love
You said that's all I wanted off you, my love
You said I was your
the L has
it was
And still the lovers in the park
hold hands
and laugh among the daffodils who
light up their path
as the birds sing their lovers song
They catch each other’s eye
and smile, that lovers smile
walking among the great Oaks, Hazel
and Cherry blossom
teasing the senses  
of every lover’s breath
a gift from Mother Earth
And still the lovers in the park
hold hands
Young winters merge in to summer sun
The wind stirs the dust of lust
Our love caught in time
Loving strangers

Years pass
Our acorns have grown to trees
We loved and lived that life
Changing with every breath we take
Seasons from the passing years
Laying out our winter clothes
Still here we are

Loving strangers

Now we are old the winters
Bite in the dark depths
But summer smiles and old bones thawed
Strangers fall in love once more
Slaves to the moon
We’ll meet at the shores edge
Forever and ever

Loving strangers
The winter hare twitched his nose
at the jingling of bells in the distance
A robin sat on a bush watching
a sleigh take to the sky pulled by reindeers, one with a red nose
And the crow sat high in a tree puzzling over
a happy old man trying to squeeze down a chimney
The children slept
as the snowflakes fell

Happy Christmas everyone  
if you haven't got a chimney check the mailbox:)
Nadolig Llawen
I walked the jagged rocks
choosing my path
the wind howled
the surf rose
as I carefully made my way
a voice called me to an easier path
honest, trust me it said
I walked the jagged rocks
confident in my choices
the rocks turned to sand
the sand turned to fields of grass
as I made my way home
The snowdrop tested the winter air
To be met by the ***** with an hypnotic stare
As the robin picked for its daily treat
The snow fell steadily around its feet

An owl sat on an oak branch just half asleep
Watching a sheepdog circle the last rouge sheep
And in the distance a great mountain hare
Now attracting the vixens hypnotic stare

But daylight quickly turned to night
The midwinter moon shone its haunting light
The small rodents in panic ran out of sight
As the owl circled in silent flight
I looked out at the horizon as you lapped at my feet
the sun set and the starts glistened upon your soul
Lost, I could see the light that guides the
hurried ships as they race to port
As cool breeze heighten my emotions to a smile
and I welcomed it so
As I unravelled the mysteries of my mind
at the Edge of the Sea
I glanced in the mirror
As I walked through the hall
A face in the aperture
That I did not recall

He was older than I remembered
And looked tired and worn
A face of great experience
All battered and torn

But the eyes still sparkled
When he winked and smiled
The good times remembered
When that youngster was wild
Not sat on the window sill where he normally resides
I look in the garden to see where he hides

Conspicuous by his absence I have a feeling of woe
All ready for work should I stay or go

Cats are not slaves to tables of time
When I get home tonight everything will be fine

I hurry home from work slave to the cause
Hoping to hear the patter of tiny cat paws

My window sill empty I now wonder why
My heart missed a beat and I wanted to cry

We'll not think of maybes if buts or sorrow
*I'm sure he'll be home for breakfast tomorrow
On an early April morning,
after the floods,
with the sun breaking the clouds.
You see many sights
while walking the dog through the wood,
to a place where a stream
meets a river.
From under the rocks
you hear the distinctive sound
of a mother calling her nine ducklings
not two days old
and just managing to swim
in the rivers calm current
to safety she cries,
to the other bank.

On the last April morning,
the weather breaks
and rain come tumbling down.
Different sights meet the eye
while walking the dog through the wood,
to a place where a stream
meets a river.
From under a rock
you hear the distinctive sound
of a mother calling her ducklings
now four weeks old.
Your heart misses a beat
as excitement floods your senses,
they swim with ease
through the now swollen river
your eyes quickly count, only five,
and sadness bathes over you
still scanning for the missing ducklings,
as they make it to the safety
of the other bank.

You curse life’s cruel rules
and ponder at this story
being played out in
so many different lives.  

Stay safe!
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