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1.0k · Nov 2018
pip Nov 2018
when you speak,
colors drop from
your lips.
when i first met
you, my world
was so bright.
i think you
blinded me.
now all i can see
is black
and the world
isn’t beautiful
402 · Nov 2018
pip Nov 2018
I can feel
Your heartbeat through
My shirt.
I hate it.
The words you call me,
The sickly sweet affection
Clogs my throat
So i can no longer breath.
When you touch me,
I can feel your
Skin on mine,
And it makes me want to
Scrub and scrub
Until there is nothing left but
You hold me so tightly,
i know i will
In your arms.
298 · Nov 2018
pip Nov 2018
Lay with me on the grass
And make wishes with the moon
And when we fall asleep, our hands
Will find each other
Because they know that our heartbeats
And we will stay that way
Until the sun greets us.
But what the sun
Is not aware of,
Is that
You and me
Were made for
The rain.
197 · Feb 2020
Cold Hands
pip Feb 2020
My pockets
Miss your
I cant keep them
As warm as you
I miss you too.
189 · Dec 2018
Wrong Shade of Blue
pip Dec 2018
When your hand finds mine
And my lips meet yours
I can't help but think we were
Made for each other
But then I feel your
And I realize we are two puzzle pieces
Who almost match
But I’m the wrong shade of
165 · Jan 2019
Storms in My Mind
pip Jan 2019
my mind is filled with storms
and the lighting likes to flash across my eyes.
sometimes i cant tell if what i’m hearing is your voice
or the thunder pounding in my ears.
too many times it has poured out of my mouth
the harsh sound of the tempest pulsing out of me.
i dont want to surround you with my battles,
but sometimes you get caught in the middle of the storm.
i guess thats okay
because in the rain
you cant see
me cry
159 · Mar 2019
Wasps and Spiders
pip Mar 2019
there are wasps and spiders
crawling all over my skin
and i can’t seem to wash them away
because they hate water
and seem to be even less fond of mirrors
so i can’t win either way.
150 · Nov 2018
pip Nov 2018
i start to count
down the seconds
that i will still
be able to
love you.
my fingers tangle
with yours.
i press my
head to your chest
and feel your
heart breaking.
i will whisper my
favorite words
to you.
lilac, sunshine
blueberry, wonder.
sing to me your
favorite song that reminds
you of home.
draw flowers and butterflies
on my hand
in your
favorite color.
show me the scar on
your arm where
you burned it
making brownies.
let me brush your
hair and put a
dandelion behind your ear.
lay with me one more time
and let me remember how
we fit perfectly together
i’ll kiss the
tears away from
your eyes and cheeks
and tell you that i
will see you when i
wake up.
our time is up darling.
i miss you already.
133 · Nov 2018
pip Nov 2018
When I see you,
The air is ****** out of my lungs,
And i’m choking on my tongue.
Please give me back the words you stole
So i can scream.
So i can shout all the sentences
You took from me.
Give me back my voice.
I dont want you to control me
But then your eyes meet mine,
And your lips smile,
And i know that i will never win.
pip Nov 2020
My body has never deserved me
I am the boyfriend who won’t wash his dishes
Never takes out the trash
And makes fun of you to his friends.
I have never been good enough
To deserve my body
And i am learning.
We are going to couples therapy
And i want to change.
128 · Dec 2018
New Homes
pip Dec 2018
I will listen to you
As you talk about how much
You hate your parents
And how your little sister makes you cry.
Call me when you cant stand your family
And we will make a plan to run away,
Everywhere that is far away.
You will come to visit me
For christmas and birthdays
Without telling your family.
We will go to Barcelona
New York
Travel the globe with me
I will be your new home
And you can be mine.
pip Jan 2019
i cant pull out the sentences trapped in my head
and the silence is choking me.
so i will spit out my words mixed with blood
and watch as my teeth fall out with my screams.
you don’t notice my soaked shirt
that is damp with the red of quiet
but thats okay
because i always wear maroon
when i miss you
so maybe you can hold my stained fingertips
and we can both pretend that
you didn’t forget to fall in in love
with my pretty words
that i remembered just for you
but could not force them out of my tongue.
wishing on a star
has never done me any good
so maybe this time
i’ll make a wish in your eyes
because they are the same thing anyways.
you really are made of space and time
and everything that is inhuman and beautiful.
and the dye in my hair and my short nails cannot hide everything i think is wrong with myself
but they can put a layer of confidence over my glassy eyes.
sometimes you like to kiss my eyelids
and you can taste all the fear i mask within my pupils.
can you maybe dance with me in the rain
and we can sleep when the sun rises
but your soft skin
makes it impossible for anyone to forget
the bitter taste of coffee and the idea of life after death.
i’ll clench my fists, and punch walls until the plaster remembers the shape of my knuckles.
you hate it when i let blood get on the carpet
and i can’t stand when you leave your socks on the bed.
but somehow we manage to still see the light in each others souls.
at midnight, my legs get restless and want to wander until my shoes are worn through
but i will settle for running outside and staring at the sky
until i remember that i am only a small part of this world.
then you smile at me and
i can only think of myself as a moth.
a small creature attracted to the brightest thing i can see.
and i will compare the weight of my guilt
to the weight of yours
and i guess we can see who has the most scars,
even though its not a competition,
it’s nice to know we aren’t as ****** up as we think.
you can play your guitar and i will cry at how soft your voice is,
and the tears that fall will just be a reminder of how we are both still alive.
but just to be sure, put your hand on my chest
and feel how my heart speeds up at your touch.
now we both know how fireworks feel.
so listen to me ramble about how i don’t want to be forgotten
and how im scared of dying.
you can promise me that you won’t leave me,
but we both know that you aren’t telling the truth.
thats okay though
because i will still lie with you under the moon
and we can still try to fall in love again.
when the times comes and you leave me,
i will only part with good wishes and a sore heart
but i knew that it was only a matter of time.
because i know that i am unlovable,
and no one can ever really stay.
i’ve learned how to mend torn hearts.
so i’ll lean into the wall,
and whisper my secrets to the man in the shadows
because i know he won’t tell anyone.
all  i can write is tearing organs and breaking bones,
and maybe this is my way of telling myself that the little man inside of my head isn’t content in my skin.
put your earbuds in
and blast the music that drowns out the rest of the world,
because the moon is too loud.
and it reminds you of home.
but home is where the paper butterflies invade your ceiling
and the dream catchers keep the nightmares at bay.
i remember when i stayed with you for the night,
and you woke up screaming.
i held you until you realized that i was real, and the phantoms in your mind were not.
watch me as i sit down and weep at the memories i seem to have lost.
sometimes i think i cry so much, i should open a salt company.
but instead i will make tea out of my pain, and sit in front of the fire we created
and laugh until i don’t know who i am anymore.
maybe its okay if we just stay like this forever.
123 · Dec 2018
pip Dec 2018
when you kiss me, i can see the future of us.
years away, you will move in with me,
and we will have no more secrets,
our entire lives will be put on display.
i will pretend that i dont hear you crying in the shower
and you will turn a blind eye to the blades you find under my pillow.
i wont notice how you never seem to sleep
and you wont mention when i have to scream just to feel alive.
im not sure i want to have to watch you slip through my fingers
and i dont want you to have to see me fall apart.
so maybe
we should be strangers.
119 · Nov 2018
I don't know who I am
pip Nov 2018
i desperately write words
trying to convey the feeling
that tears me apart.
but i don’t think i can,
because it is not meant
to be understood.
so i will sit here
and let it break my ribs
and crush my pulse.
i will write till my fingers bleed,
and my hands shake,
and everything i thought i understood
is thrown into the wind.
118 · Jan 2019
do not fight with fists
pip Jan 2019
these words are being forced
past my lips
and my chapped skin
is starting to bleed.
so watch me as my ribs crack
and i whittle them down to points
with my sharp tongue
because if you won’t let me fight with
my fists
then my only option is my sentences.
so i will tear apart skin with my stories
and rip open bones with my lies
because even though ive always hated to fight
i will not let you destroy what i have loved.
110 · Nov 2018
pip Nov 2018
your scars cover all inches of your
when i touch them
i can feel
years & years of pain
and my heart breaks
all over again.
97 · Jan 2020
San Barbarino
pip Jan 2020
we met at a coffee shop down in San Barbarino
i was running away from my mother and her hard stare
trying to be anywhere where she wasn’t.
you were reading a book about love and adventure and living with sunlight caught in your hair
and suddenly i was a moth
attracted to the brightest thing i could see
i ordered an iced tea
because i’m bitter enough as it is
and you drank your coffee
because your new habit was telling the world
to go **** itself
i passed your table and bumped the chair
because i noticed you wrote poetry
in between the lines of your book
and suddenly tracing your e’s was the
most important thing to me
i’ve always been a sucker for the word
stranger with the sunflower eyes
me with my moonshine lips
i think
we’d wreck beautiful havoc together.
94 · Mar 2019
lipstick stained letters
pip Mar 2019
soon all that will be left of me
is my miles and miles of words
and my lipstick stained
dearest lean into my shoulder
and let me tell you all about the man in the moon.
he fell in love with the sun
but i’m sure you’ve heard this all before.
the freckles on your face
make up all the constellations in the sky
and maybe some in the sea too.
i’ll trace your eyelids and nose
with the pads of my fingers
and marvel at how daisies and sunlight could be a person.
but i’m breaking apart at the seams
And summer can only stay so long.
we won’t talk about it
because words are too hard to use.
and they always clog my throat anyway.
you are quite scary
with your dead eyes
and small sentences
that you used to scream.
i have taken to biting my nails
instead of crying
and i don’t think it makes much of a difference.
i still can’t breathe either way.
you tell me that it’s easier to bottle up your feelings
but i’ve never really liked bottles
because they make me feel trapped
and alone.
i don’t think it matters that i can’t whistle
and then i remember that if i’m ever lost
i won’t be able to find you again.
i think it all depends on if you want to be found though.
shivers are wracking my body
and my teeth can’t seem to keep apart
i’m scared
god im scared.
and this time
i utterly and truly think im
88 · Mar 2020
pip Mar 2020
I fought everything
I loved
So you would never
See me cry
Like I did that day
79 · Nov 2020
lovingly learning
pip Nov 2020
Darling, has it gotten easier?
Do people still stare when you wear shorts?
I am learning how to love the idea of you
It’s hard
But i want you to know i’m trying.
Sometimes i think about you
And how you must look back on my present
Saying to yourself
‘Silly child. What do you know of love?’
You would be right, mostly.
67 · Jan 2020
pip Jan 2020
i will continue to wear my high heels
maybe i’ll finally be tall enough to stand up for myself
i will write poetry on my walls because maybe when i’m gone my words will still remain
and when you miss me you can
read about how i never got to taste the sun
but kissing you was practically the same
66 · Oct 2020
i am finally my own
pip Oct 2020
My body is my own. I own my scars and my scrapes and my moles. They are mine. My limbs are mine, my pulse is mine, every cell in my body belongs to me. I smell like sunflowers and fairy kisses and rain and boy.

— The End —