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Jul 2016 · 2.2k
Beautiful Little Fool
And I hope she’ll be a fool, that’s the best thing a girl can be, is a beautiful little fool.
To see no fault and see no cause, a demeanor that elicits the ceasing of qualms
She will drink mint tea while sitting with glee on top of a cloud above a raging storm
Her focus is precise and what she sees will be calm
I wish for my daughter to be one

She will live in a bubble, plated with the toughest material and doubled, and coated with rose-colored glass.
It will be her veil, disguising injustices too well, but her aura will always be electric
Her tears will be daisies growing amongst the lilies near a pond where there’s coy and fairies casting spells.
She will sleep and dream neutral, as the sandman began his sutures, to maintain her outlook that life is swell.
I wish for my daughter to be one

With her sway and her gallop and her nod and her twirl, she will please the sensibilities of the world.
I pray to the heavens, her angels and gods, that there will not be a crack in her armor.
For if she is to see how the world truly be, then her face will forever be furled
She is my joy and my love, a pearl necklace with a hug, a jewel that can never be matched
And I hope she’ll be a fool, that’s the best thing a girl can be. Is a
Jun 2015 · 576
Are you happy?
When I was younger, I learned how to tell if people were truly happy
The secret is to look them in the eyes.
Make them feel vulnerable and don’t break the connection.
It’s an unspoken link.
Like, I see you for who you truly are.
You may be able to hide but I see you.
I see
Your tears at night
I see
Your mask of make up and bravado
I see
What you don’t want anyone to know
I learned how to tell if people were truly happy at a young age,
Imagine knowing when you’re the one causing the unhappiness.

— The End —