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Rachel Gosby Jul 2017
For tolerance in life.
For patience to strive.
For thing's that you need.
For surrendering your greed.
For a creative mind.
For motivation and appreciating.
For a forgiving heart.
For a second chances.
For honest about the trust.
For a helping hand.
For sweet words to speak.
For a great self esteem.
To listen with a loving heart.
To not walk away.
But most of all Just Ask Me?
Rachel Gosby Feb 2022
The older we get, the wiser we become.
Walking away from people who put us down becomes even more easier.
Not pleasing others that will never see our worth.
Each year the more we learn how to respect ourselves.
We become even more strangers to some people we talked to.
We end up creating even more memories.
New friends will be created, and some old friends will fade away.
Becoming filled with new adventures and good fortunes.
Letting go of the hurt people cost us, so you can be open for new relationships.
We began to stand up even taller so we can become stronger.
Letting hard time pass so the good time can begin.
Our futures are becoming even more clearer.
Releasing are mistakes so moving forward will be easy.
Healing and growing for our new beginnings.  
Letting go of grudges begins to be easier and easier.  
Disappointments begin to fade away as the years go by.
Our finances are increasing each year.
Our stores to our lives are changing.
Our blessings from last year will follow as we move forward.
Learning how to say goodbye to the old becomes easy each year.

As the years go by, we tend to learn different things and grew even greater.
Rachel Gosby Feb 2021
Stand up
Look him in the eyes
Make him bow down
Don't be afraid to fight back
He can't handle the power of God
Crush all of his plans
Beat him down
Let the sunshine above his head
Lost the battle, but win the war
walk away, and don't look back
The devil can't stand to be mocked
Don't distance yourself from what's yours
Show him who you are, Gods Child
Beat him down
Take back your peace of mind
Show him who's stronger
Make him disappear, so you can be found
The stones his throwing, throw them back
Climb over all struggles Queen
You’re a fighter, so fight back
Beat him down
Use your strength to rebuild what's been broken
Start praying, and releasing the worries
Do something he hates, start praising the lord
Make him cry, make him feel pain
Rest queen, and let God take over
He wants you to regret your choices, don't
Beat him down
You have a purpose, so don’t quiet
When he claps, you clap-back
Take a stand, and realize who got your back
Make a hole so that he can fall in it
Tell him who team you're on
**** him with your confessions

Rachel Gosby Oct 2019
Dance, and sing.
Live, and learn.
Trust, and believe
Before it's too late.
Love and respect.
laugh, and smile.
Dream, and Believe.
before it's too late.
open your heart.
appreciate what you have.
Travel the world.
before it's too late.
fix your mistakes.
forgive yourself.
let go of the past.
before it's too late.
open your eyes.
go get what you want.
open your mind to something new.
before it's too late.
go get what's for you, don't let the world scared you from getting what you want out of life, no matter what it is.
go get it and get it now
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
In what you can do.
Something wonderful is happening.
That you're amazing.
you're a beautiful person.
In yourself when no one else believes in you.
Everything is possible.
That you're brave.
That you're smarter than you think.
That you're stronger than you seem.
That there are good in the world.
That there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.
Good things are coming just keep on believing.
That God will put you back together right in front of the people that broke you.
That you are unstoppable.

Just do one thing for me
Rachel Gosby Oct 2016
Be with you for life, just because of the way you make me feel, how you talk to me make feel so free.
Be with you, not because what you can do for me but because who you are to me, and what you make me feel.
Be with you, just because you make me do things I never done in my life.
Be with you, I'm not going to be happy without you. 
Be with you, being with you makes me be a better person, for me and you. Who knows what God plan in our lives, but for one thing I know I'm willing to find out, not by myself but with you. Seeing someone else will not make it any better than what it already is with you.
Be with you, your like a angel that falling from the sky. All I want and I need and that to be with you. All I want is all I need you gave me back my dignity.
Be with you, because when I'm upside down, you turn me right side up
. Be with you, you smiled at me when the world was not kind to me.  be with you, when I'm on my own, well your in my head. all I want is all I need you gave me back my dignity.  when I'm down and nowhere to turn, I just think of you in the back of my head. Be with you, just because I want to know more of you, like your likes and your dislikes. I find an angel, you’re an angel in my eyes. So if you would have me, be with me. You bring me out of this lost and find of a world. I can't see myself with no one else but with you. I can feel it in my heart and I can see it in our future. So what you say be with me.
Rachel Gosby Mar 2015
Its big and full of love.
Its big and always happy.
Its big and full of hugs and kissing.
Its big and helpful. Its big and full of praise.
Its big and open 4 anything that come my way.
Its big and ready to fight what every the devil throw at me.
Its big and ready to say NO to the devil. Its big and ready 4 my blessing that come my way.
Its big and RED and its my BIG RED HEART. THE END!!!
Rachel Gosby Oct 2019
have big dreams.
Have a strong heart.
Have a brighter future.
Have a big imagination.
Have mesmerizing eyes.
Have a beautiful smile.
Have a powerful voice.
Have an uplifting spirit.
Have a fearless mind.
Have a determination walk.
Have a brave face.
Have a stand tall attitude.
Have a will to change.
Be an overachiever.
listen and learn.
protect other people.
motivate, and believe.

Yes, people are many things, never say what you're not capable.
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
Trust again.
Love again.
Dance again.
Sing again.
Respect again.
Be happy again.
Smile again.
Rebuild again.
Be proud of yourself.
Dream again.
Use your imagination.
Be more positive.
Learn something new.
Be strong.
Laugh again.
Enjoy life.
Protect yourself.
Be a rock star.
Be drama free.
Be more determined.
Help others.
Walk away from your fears.

Can You, Yes You can.
Don't Be Afraid.
Just Go For It
Rachel Gosby Oct 2019
I love you.
I forgive you.
I care for you.
You are a beautiful person.
You can motivate others with your words.
You don't let others bring you down.
You're a winner and a loser.
You're brave and very smart.
You're very talented at what you do.
Keep standing tall like you are.
keep on smiling and never stop.
Keep imagining and dreaming.
Don't stop believing in yourself.
don't stop pushing for a brighter future.
Don't let no one change what you are.
let your hair down for anyone.
let's keep appreciating what's in front of you.
Don't let no one tear you down.
You are who you say you are.
You have a beautiful spirit on you.
Never let anyone tell you any differences.
Never try to please other people.
you are one of a kind.

So the things I say to you, listen to me, and to all I have to say to you.
So Can You Hear Me Now ???
Rachel Gosby Jul 2019
I love you
I forgive you
I care for you
You are a beautiful person
You can motivate others with your words
You dont let others bring you down
Your a winner, and not a loser
Your very brave, and so smart
Your very talented at what you can do
Keep standing tall like you do
Keep smiling, and never stop
Keep imagining,  and dreaming like you do
Dont stop believing in yourself
Dont stop pushing for a brighter further
Dont let no one change who you are
Let your hair down for once
Let's keep appreciating what's in front of you
Keep making the progress like your doing
Dont let no one tear you you down
So the things I say to you please listen to me
All I say is for your heart, and mind, as will as to show you how I feel......
Rachel Gosby Oct 2019
For Being proud of who I am.
For being stronger, and not falling for anything.
For fighting for a brighter future.
For Laughing, and enjoying life.
For Accepting the things I can't change.
For not being confused and stressed out.
For Loving music, and singing out loud.
For Keeping up with the responsibility that I have.
For learning new things.
For not feeling broken, or lost.
For when I'm doing the things that make me happy.
For learning what's important to me.
For showing you that I can do anything I want.
For taking care of what I need to do to get things done.
For not worrying about weak-minded people.
For loving myself, even more, each day.
For not being afraid of looking in the mirror.
For not giving up on myself.

Don't count me out, just look at me for what I am doing, and not what I'm not doing in life.
so question for you is
Can you really look at me?
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
Trying to speak to you.
Trying to help you.
Trying to understand you.
Trying to love you.
Trying to open my arms to you.
Trying to make your dreams come true.
Trying to rebuild with you, and tear you down.
Trying to pray with you.
Trying to open my heart just to you.
trying to be patient, and humble.
Trying to see the good out the bad.
Trying to be strong with you.
Trying to hold you down.
Trying to make happy moments with you.
Trying to show you, your wise.
Trying to work things out.
Trying to not give up on us.
Trying to be a leader and not a **** follower.
Trying to travel the world with you.
Trying to give you all of me.
Trying to ease your pain.
Trying to wipe your tears away.
Trying to show you, your the one for me.
Trying to show that I'm here with you, and for you.
Trying to give you as much space that you need
Trying not to hurt you.
Trying to be there for you and only you.

Can You See Me, If you can't see anything else, I just want you to see what I am trying to do for us, and not just for please see me for what I am doing, and not what I'm not doing.
Can You See Me?
always see someone for what their doing, and don't look at the things that their not doing. try to work things out with the person you're with, dont just give up on what y'all worked on together as one. what y'all work on is special and you should try to keep what you do have together.
Rachel Gosby Oct 2019
How to love.
How to be careful with what I do.
How to believe in myself.
How to stand tall.
How to understand with a clear mind.
How to not worry about things I can't change.
How to laugh and feel free within myself.
How to have fun with my life.
*** to stay away from drama.
How to walk away from stress.
How to enjoy life, and not to rush threw things.
How to enjoy music, and fine art.
How to stay calm, and not to have an outburst.
How to not run away from my responsibility.
How to not be so **** confused, and insecure.
How to be a better person.
How to be more loyal to others, as well as to myself.

I'm asking for myself to please show me so I can be a better me
Rachel Gosby May 2023
To make it through another day without breaking apart.
When things become a little too much out of control
With people and the way they speak to you
To smile even when you're under depression
Learning to take a stand for your rights
When you begin to take new steps without any fears
Taking a deep breath and releasing it
Speaking up and loud until your heard
To allow yourself to love and to be loved
Walking away from a situation that’s uncontrollable
Trusting your vision once all the dark clouds disappear
Living your life for you and only you
Picking yourself up once you have fallen
To allow yourself to have happiness and peace
To move past any evil spirit and any toxic relationship
Praying away negativity and the energy that comes with it
Believing in opening new doors to opportunities
To understand how much you are worth and how powerful awareness can be with just a little faith
To truth a person's vibe or their words
With your behavior when you're making yourself better
Rising above when people try to knock you down
To be passionate and powerful in your own way
To worry less and to love unconditionality
To keep being beautiful on the inside out
When people are trying to unleash the beast inside you
Choosing yourself first and not being a second choice to anyone
Not to trust liars and not to become like others that you see
Being a pillar of strength and a safe harbor for people who believe in you
Holding your head up and never letting the clouds get too dark
To cute toxic people out of your life without looking back

With any decisions you make, will you be able to trust them and move forward or will it make you feel like your decisions were wrong? No matter what you come up with, make sure you are proud of yourself so you can start trusting in yourself a lot more.
Always remember that you control your
Rachel Gosby Nov 2017
Catch me laughing for the first time.
Catch me acting normal.
catch me reaching for the stars.
Catch me loving with my whole heart.
Catch me being different and real.
Catch me with a smile.
Catch me fallen in love.
Catch me dreaming big.
Catch me changing the world.
Catch me stepping up my game.
Catch me loving every bit of life.
Catch me doing what I do best.
Catch me giving my all.
Catch me working to be the best.
Catch me loving my kids with all the love in the world.
Catch me faking it to make it.
Catch me thanking God for life.
Catch me moving to something greater.
Catch me leaving the haters in my pass.
Catch me being who God wanted me to be.
Catch me if you can!!
Rachel Gosby May 2020
Who you are
Your accomplishments
The little things in life
beautiful moments
each day that comes alone
all of your success
your heroes, and she-roes
the big, and little victories
milestones as you prepare for the road ahead
the struggle as much as the success
how amazing you are
your individuality
how outstanding, and **** you are
how strong, and fearless you are
your achievements
the risks you take every day
ever lesions you've learned over the years
every win, no matter how small

No matter how hard things may seem to be, celebrate the successful things you've done in your life. every day is a celebration and you should ******* celebrate.
Rachel Gosby Jul 2019
From hurting myself
From being weak minded
From putting myself down
From holding on to the pass
From feeling lost, and confused
From holding on to hurt
From letting my fear get in the way
From trying to rush throw everything
From to fight everyone around me
From being so insecure
From feeling like I'm falling all the time
From running from my responsibility
From not respecting my peers
From changing myself esteen
From being so negativity
From not being helpful to others
Changing something about yourself is always good. There is nothing wrong with changing something about your so do and be proud of it.
Rachel Gosby Jul 2019
To negative people
To losing battles
To not letting go
To bad mistakes
To fighting
To violence
To living in fear
To staying in the pass
To starting drama
To hurting others
To Being weak
To being insecure
To being late
To not being respectful
To falling
To negative energy
To rushing for others
Its time to close some door to open up new door and new beginnings
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
So I can hold you.
So I can make you smile again.
So I can make you feel again.
So I can build you back up.
So I can make you laugh again.
So I can take your worries away.
So I can give you want you need.
So I can show you the world.
So I can walk with you.
So I can make you happy.
So I can wipe your tears away.
So I can protect your heart.
So I can be there when you need it.
So I can make your dreams come true.
So I can make show you something different.
So I can pray with you.
So we can make happy memories together.
So I can make you feel like your the only one for me.

So how about it
Come To Me
Rachel Gosby May 2020
Keep faith
love others as they love you
hope for something new
stay positive
Believe in happiness
be creative
have new ideas
be successful
have peace in your life
use your powerful voices
keep strength to keep moving
try a little harder
do the right things
open your heart to something new
fight for what you believe in
give a listening ear

Yes, you could, you could do anything just as long as you set your mind to it.
Don't let anything tell you anything different.
you are more powerful than what people say about you.
Rachel Gosby Oct 2019
Before you left me standing alone.
Before you spend all my money.
Before you put your hands on me.
Before you cheated on me.
Before you laugh at my dreams.
Before you told me I was nothing.
Before you took me for granted.
Before you pushed me away.
Before you abused me.
Before you stole from me.
Before you tore my heart into pieces.
Before you played with my emotions.
Before you lied to me in my face.
Before you took my love, and swipe under the rug.
Before you beat me and threw me away.
Before you tried to break all my spirits I had left.
Before you tried to take my future away from me

I can answer that for you, NO you didn't think before you did all that to me, but guess what after all that I'm still here baby winning.
before you do anything to anyone.
think first, using your mind first can go a long way.
Rachel Gosby Aug 2021
How smart you are.
what you're capable of doing.
who's in complete control.
no response is a response.
you were born to stand out.
that taking a risk can change your life.
to see rejection as redirection.
your working for your future.
growth can be uncomfortable.
to fight for you, and what you want.
to learn to be disciplined.
you have a success story to tell.
understanding is silver, and wisdom is gold.
success is a decision.
all glory comes from daring to begin.
your boundaries are important and deserve to be honored.
if opportunity doesn't knock then build a door.

just don't forget
Rachel Gosby Mar 2022
Don’t give in to frustration, stand above it.
Our mistakes tend to make us stronger.
Yes, depression may weigh you down at times.
Our plan will get interrupted.
Our hearts get torn into many of pieces.
Just don’t give up.
Things will get disorganized at times.
Health problems may occur with time.
Bad situations may try to come in between our plans
Our enemies tend to come out of nowhere.
Just don’t give up.
Even when others don’t believe, you must believe.
Fight the urge of giving up.
Even when bad memories try to ruin your day.
When it seems like the rain won’t stop.
Feeling overwhelmed may seem like it won’t pass.
Just don’t give up.
The pain maybe unbelievable at times.
When fighting the Tidalwave gets too hard.
When all you hear is whispers all around you.
Just don’t give up.

We can’t give up, because that is what others are expecting for us to do so. So, let’s work together and fight even harder.

Don’t Give Up...
Rachel Gosby Apr 2020
Your joy
Your peace of mind
Your happiness
Your smile
Your freedom of speech
Your purpose of living
Your positivity
Your opportunity
Your creativity
Your destiny
Your independence
Your ability to love again
Your ability to keep hope alive
Your ambition to succeed
Your future away from you
Your dreams from coming true
Your temptation

So out of all of the negativity that's out in this world, you keep doing you, and keep being beautiful. Dont let anyone take nothing I mean nothing from you
Rachel Gosby Dec 2020
Don't runway
Face them fears head-on
Take your stand
Use your voice
Let them people miss you
Rushing doesn't get things done
Lay all your troubles down
Let all the negativity go
Be patience in all things
Don't run away
Walk into your blessings
Follow your dreams
Handle only what you can handle
Take care of you first
Celebrate your accomplishments
Make people guess what's wrong
Believe you got the victory
Stop being someone your not
Don't run away
Be who God made you to be
Don't be afraid to learn something new
Remember you have to practice to get things right
Don't worry about making people happy
Everything will come in order
Truth in the things you do
Don't be afraid for a helping hand
Things happen for a reason
Don't run away
Get ready to open new doors
Block out all the whispers throw out the night
Emergency will come and they also will leave
So don't run away, stay, and fight for what's for you.
Rachel Gosby Dec 2021
Love is waiting for you.
Depression won’t last for every.
Feeling overwhelmed will pass.
You're stronger than you think.
Use people hate for your fuel.
Don’t allow the rolls of negativity Spead in your heart.
Be proud of the person you’ve become.
Laugh without fear of your future.
Use your strength to get back up.
Look challenges deep in the eyes.
You are the light that comes through the darkness.
Be like steel that never breaks.
When you speak, shake the world.
Love walking away from the things that’s not meant for you.
Don't let others' insecurities block your happiness.
Don't let all the obstacles get in your way.
Let others underestimate you.
You’re the survivor and not the victim.  
Change the game, don’t let the game change you.

You will fall, but you will also rise. Yes, you will make mistakes, but you will also learn from them.
You will get hurt, but you will bounce back. Ok, you're not perfect but you're also human. Continue putting  
One foot in front of the other and move forward.  
But whatever you do, don’t  
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
To smiling.
To laughing out loud.
To hearing great music.
To loving someone new.
To enjoying your life.
To listening to great music.
To traveling the world.
To shine like a star.
To letting your hair down.
To showing the world the real you.
To learning something new.
To getting ready for a change.
To being at peace.
To doing things out of obligation.
To new opportunities coming your way.
To concentrate on yourself.
To being strong within yourself.
To you being beautiful.
To having the time of your life.

No matter what you do Don't Say No, because you're important
and you need to think about your self at times and do what's best for you.
Don't give up on your self
so say it with me
Don't Say No to your self.
Rachel Gosby Jun 2023
I despise liars with a passion.
My flesh crawls when the lies won’t stop.
I can’t and won’t respect you.
Your lies take away all the trust I had in you.
With each lie comes with many disappointments
Don’t beg me and lie at the same time
My heart can’t heal with your lies.
Don’t lie to me over a question.
Your lies give me polls at night.
It ****** me off when you lie for no **** reason.
Telling me the truth will make me stay.R
It’s your lies that makes me run away.
Telling lies is the quickest way to lose me.
Your lies will always be bitter in the end.
The pain gets worse with each lie you tell.
Don’t lie to me unless you are ready to lose me.
When you pretend to cry,
The lies begin to come.
My truth will come back once your lies stop.
It’s your lies that make you fake and phony as hell.
I protect you from lies.
But you can’t protect me.
You sit in my face and lie like it’s nothing.
Be scared but truthful with me.
You ask me to trust and love you but how.
when you're a liar and can't tell the
truth to save your life.
Your heart is cold as ice
if you can lie to me so easy.
You make it easy to leave with all your lies.

So don’t tell me lies, and I’ll do the same to you.
Respect me with the truth and
miss me With your lies.
Rachel Gosby May 2023
Of all the things that bring you happiness
Because there are opportunities waiting for you
Your freedom to speak so you can be heard
The will live and survival
Because there's new doors you haven't opened yet
You can still continue to grow and be successful
On the people who love you unconditionally
On healing your emotional pain
With the chance to have peace and joy
Hold on a little tighter because the war is almost over
Because all the broken pieces will come back together as one
Stop feeling grudge and start unblocking your blessings
Because at the right time, God will come and make things happen
Take back your life and own it
It’s time to take back what the devil stole from you
Take God by the hand so that he may wrap his arms around you
Because it’s time for you to open your eyes and control what you see
So you can carry on your legacy to the next generations
So the youth can obtain the knowledge and wisdom you carrying
Because you have the capability to accomplish your achievements

Don’t you dare give up, because you still have a lot of fight left in you.
Fight back and stand as tall as a tree when the world tries to take you out.
Even when people underestimate you and miscalculate how good you are.

Don’t You Dare Give Up!!!!
Don't Do It!!
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
Be stronger.
Be you.
Be a designer in your own future.
Know your own worth.
Be amazing at what you do.
Do what makes your soul shine.
make ever progress mean something to you.
Do what makes you shine like a star.
Don't give in to your fears.
Don't let the storm stop you.
Don't be silent when everyone else is being loud.
Never be a prisoner of your past.
Plant the seed to your fruit.
Don't overthink the things you can't change.
Fight harder.
Rebuild what you lost.
Don't let no one outshine you.
Don't let no one **** with your feelings.
Don't miss the memories you could be making.
Get tired of being tired.
Take more risks.
Don't allow anyone treat you like ****.
Make your own dreams come true.
Don't let getting lonely make you reconnect with toxic people.
Don't hate, love just a little harder.
Always remember that God will never take anything from you.

Do You, no matter what people may think, or say to you.
Do You
Rachel Gosby Mar 2015
Do you believe? In love.
Do you believe? In hope.
Do you believe? In happiness.
Do you believe? Being strong.
Do you believe? Weak minded.
Do you believe? In joy.
Do you believe? Somebody
Do you believe? What people say that thing are not possible, when thing are very possible.
Do you?
Do you believe? That should run or should you stay and fight for what right.
Do you believe? If you pray, can God hear you?
Do you believe? That the strength you have you can do all thing are possible.
Do you?
Do you believe? If you work hard enough, you will got to where you need to be.
Do you believe? If you believe, just do it get up, get out and do something about it
And just say out land

I believe
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
Trying to stand up.
Speaking up for myself.
Loving myself.
Not living in the past.
Fixing my mistakes.
Taking control of my life.
Rebuilding what I've lost.
Smiling more every day.
Being proud of who I am.
Fighting for a better future.
Laughing because I'm happy.
Protecting my family.
Not missing new opportunities.
Surviving in the world.
Walking away from drama.
Not having any regrets.
Realizing how beautiful I am.
Being more determination then yesterday.
Not letting my last get in the way.
Being more positive then I was before.
Not living in fear.
Not staying down when I fall.
Believing in myself and all I can do.
Doing what's best for me.

Can't you see me, I'm doing what's best for me, even if you can't see it.
Even if you can't see me doing what I do, it's me that's doing the hard work to better for myself.
I'm not here for you to see me or not. if you see me then you just see me.
I'm going to keep moving even if that means leaving you behold.
The question is do you see me????
Rachel Gosby Jul 2014
I am still alive
My heart had been broken many times
I close my eyes and all I see is darkness
My heart keeps on beating on and on
I leave my heart open and it feel empty
I feel the loneliness and sadness
I can feel like my heart is screaming to be loved
I can feel the pain and suffering
It feel like my heart is going to fail me
I need help so I can feel loved again
I can remember the hope I had once in my life
Sometime it feel like I have no heart and it like I cant love or hate anything in life
Where to go, what to do, or who to call
My heart is tired and it need to rest
I dont want to fight anymore

Hurt #loved *broken #open pain #suffering rest **tired ##fighting #darkness
Rachel Gosby Sep 2015
Look at the both of you married and about to enjoy life. the both of you stand here committed to each other after 42 year. you both must have been made for each other. love will always win at the end, because it's mighty love. you've promised that you will love faithfully and you VOWED to be one with each other. you said love from each other is all you need. you said It's never to late for true love and happiness. may your love grow stronger, may you always look at each other, the way you look at each other now. may your love for one another serve as a light of hope for true love to other shire bright as the star above God is love and love is eternal.
Rachel Gosby Jul 2017
They are the greatest thing to have.
They accept you for who you are.
They love you no matter what happens.
They can make you cry and smile at the same time.
They are not prefect.
They are music, they have high and low note, but always beautiful.
They are like a circle of strength.
They will support and respect you.
They will keep your most deepest and darkest secret.
They can be lots of fun, and make you lough.
They will believe in all of your dreams.
They let you make mistakes and give you second chances.
They will be very proud of you and what you become.
They have problem, but they also stand together as one.
They can make you comfortable, but most of all safe.
They hold you head when you need it the most.
No matter how busy family get, they always find a way to be there,
A family that prays together , stay together.
I want people to believe in family. I want people to love their family no matter how hard family member get. loving family and having a family is the greatest thing in life. love your family and do what is best for your family.
Rachel Gosby Nov 2016
Fear is here with me.
fear follows me everywhere I go.
fear snakes up on me.
fear Stalks me.
fear is a control freak.
fear controls me like I don't have mind if my own.
fear is all I think of.
fear sleeps with me.
Fear eats with me.
fear never leaves and I can't run from it.
Fear surrounds me like nothing before.
fear can be stopped.
fear can go away.
fear is only a emotion.
fear will be stopped  and only stopped bye love.
Rachel Gosby Jul 2017
Fight for what you believe in no matter what it is.
Fight for your dreams to come true.
Fight for what you want out of life.
No matter how hard life get, stand up be strong and fight.
Fight for goals to be meet.
Fight for voicing to be heard.
Fight for what's worth fighting for.
Fight even on your worst days.
Fight for a better tomorrow.
As long as there is life, there is still something to fight for.
Fight even when you fall down, don't stay down get up, do what you do best fight.
Fight even when you think you don't have any fight lift in you.
when you don't fight, than you can't cry for what you lost, so what every your fighting for, than do it fight.
Rachel Gosby Nov 2020
Without knowing what's going on
Not knowing what tomorrow bring
Lost in a space of my own
Lost in a different time zone
Waiting to find out what going to happen next
Like a clock that tick-tocks throughout the day
Like a butterfly, and stinging like a bee.
Losing control of who I am
Seeing without believing
Feeling like I'm slipping away
Not able to find the right words to say
Forgetting how to walk on my own two feet
Losing sight of who I am
Not knowing what to say
Forgetting how to believe
Not able to see my reflection in the mirror
Feeling lost and confused
Crying out for someone to hear me
Reaching out for someone hand, but no one's there
Exploding from the inside out
Hearing whispers throw out the night
Transforming into a different body
Passing throw life within minutes
Floating away in silence
Losing my voices to speak out
things closing up around me
People turning against me

Floating away
Rachel Gosby Jul 2014
you know people ask what is a friend.I start thinking and thinking.send me a friend someone who knows all about you and still love everything about you easy pass.a best friend is like a four leaf clover hard to find and lucky to have.a friend is someone who understands your past.and believe in your future and assist you today tomorrow and know what they say it takes a minute to find a special hour to appreciate them. a day to love them but then in entire like to forget him and I start thinking who is my true best **** her name is manda panda.I want to thank God for putting her in my life she is also my kids godmother. I always trxt her and she always know what to say at the right time.
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
**** toxic *** people.
**** holding **** to your heart.
**** being unsure of your self.
**** the bullshitting.
**** apologizing.
**** overthinking.
**** worrying.
**** fake *** people.
**** lying *** people.
**** explaining yourself to others.
**** giving up.
**** regretting your decisions.
**** killing your dreams.
**** losing your self into a person.
**** the past.
**** painful situations.
**** being silence.
**** the drama.
**** being stressed the **** out.
**** people ignoring you.
**** trying to be someone your not.
**** trying to make someone happy.
**** wasting your time.
**** rushing through life.
**** being alone.

**** it, start saying **** it, and see what happens next. you could see a lot of things happen right in front of your eyes. when you get to the point where you want to say **** it. just say it.
**** IT
give your self what you want. do what you want to do in life and don't worry about what someone may have to say about you.
just start saying
**** it
Rachel Gosby Oct 2019
To Grow
To rebuild
To understand more
To love more
To listen more.
To be more fearless.
To show out
To release your angry
To shine like a star.
To live a better life.
To stand taller.
To rebuild in yourself.
To walk with greatness.
To dance and sing more.
To realize who you are.
To push back your haters.
To being more proud of yourself.
To laughing and smiling more.
To become stronger and more peaceful.
To become a dream maker.
To be braver.

So stop, and get your *** up, and do better within your self.
so whatever people may think of you, don't let that stop you from doing what makes you happy.
Get Your *** Up...
Rachel Gosby Oct 2019
so we can grow together.
so we can laugh, and smile together.
so we can learn together.
so I can show you how beautiful you are.
so I can show you that you can be as fearless as you want.
so I can show you how strong you are.
so I can show you that it's ok to trust in people.
so you can hear how powerful your voice is.
so you wouldn't get into different situations you can't get out of.
so you wouldn't think so negative all the time.
so you wouldn't look for things in the wrong places.
so you would never be miss understood.
so I can show you what's possible in the world.
so I can show you that your imagination can run as a while as you want.
so you can accept the things you can't change.
so you would always have somewhere to go.
so you always have a friend in me.
so we can dance, and sing like no one is watching.
so you wouldn't walk alone in the world.
so you could have more determination in your walk.
so you can feel stronger, and wiser each day.

so before you think about giving up, or giving in, how about you giving me your hand and I'll help you the rest of the way.
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
For giving me a chance.
For not giving up on me.
For believing in what I can do.
For trusting in me when no one else would.
For helping me when I was down.
For being a kind-hearted person.
For giving me your time.
For taking care of me when I needed it.
For walking beside me.
For holding my hand.
For wiping my tears away.
For staying by my side.
For your part in my journey.
For helping me survive the day.
For making me believe in a better tomorrow.
For loving me as you do.
For seeing me for who I am.
For showing me it's ok to cry sometimes.
For giving me the strength when I needed it the most.
For keeping it real with me.
For pushing me to be great.
For giving me a reason to smile and not to give up.

No matter what's going on in the world, tell someone who's been there for you and who's never given up on you,
tell them Thank You
No matter what you been through tell the person who's been there for you no matter what, who's been holding you down and who's always had your back.
just please tell them
Thank you
Thank you goes a long way
Rachel Gosby Sep 2015
Happy Grandparents day
to the most beautiful and wonderful
woman in the world.
Happy Grandparents day
I wonder where you keep your wings
LOL are they hung in your closets with
the rest of your things
Happy Grandparents day
you have a very special gift, the gift
that keep on giving. the
woman I call Grandmother
I feel I blessed by God to be under
the umbrella of your tender love and care
Happy Grandparents day
to the woman who we can lean on
when needed it. the one who is strong for
everyone even when you think your not.
Happy Grandparents Day  
the one who ears that always listening and
arms that always open, the love
that never end's and a heart that's made of
pier Gold
Happy Grandparents day
Rachel Gosby Jul 2014
Grow up
Stops with the talking behold other
Stop with the fighting
Grow up
Stop with the shooting and start protecting the youth of the community
Grow up
Stop acting phony and start being real with your self
Grow up
Stop being lazy and start being a grow up
Stop leaching on other and get up and get your own
Grow up
Stop being scared and face your fears
Stop judging and start helping
Grow up
Stop with the rushing and just slow down

                  Just stop & Grow up
Rachel Gosby Oct 2019
I'm still moving along.
I'm still growing for the better.
I'm still loving who I am.
I'm still drama free.
I'm still going to build within myself.
I'm still proud of who I am.
I'm still a fearless woman.
I'm still protecting what's mines.
I'm still a beautiful woman.
I'm still going to be a fighter.
I'm still making my dreams come true.
I'm still standing tall as I should.
I'm still using my imagination.
I'm still in control of my life.
I'm still smiling every day of my life.
I'm still staying positive.
My understanding is still better.
I'm still achieving greatness.

So No Matter what people may think of me. I'm still a better person.
People may hate, and guess what I want you to hate, because while your hating I'm still moving on with my life.
so please Hate on baby.
hate on
Rachel Gosby Oct 2019
Grow wiser.
understand better.
believe in myself more.
Build a brighter future.
So I wouldn't take any leftovers.
Be more fearless, and stronger.
have a powerful voice.
protect what's mines.
Listen more.
Have a stronger heart.
Use my imagination more.
Be more dependent on myself.
Stand Taller than before.
have a will to change.
have a brave face.
To have the strength move on with my life.
To release my stress and pain.
To be drama free.
To be more proud of who I am.
To start pushing back on my hater.
To start pushing myself more.
So I can move on, and trust myself.
So I wouldn't give up, put myself down.

I hope that someone hears me, when I say Help me.
Because I would hear you if you call out for help.
Rachel Gosby May 2020
No more disappointment
Finding a new way to love
Not waiting for things to change
Learning how to be happy
Being proud of who you are
Moving past the struggle
Accepting the things you can't change
Laughing a little more
Believing in your future
Cutting out any negativity
Saying goodbye to people who don't care
Removing people without warning
Believing you're enough
Having a change of heart
Not feeling alone and neglected
Believing that it's good in the world
Not thinking your ideas don't matter
reaping the benefits
Feeling comfortable in your own skin

So tell me how about you believing and understanding what's out there in the world for you. how about truthing in yourself and what you can do in the world.
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
Without talking.
Without listening to *******.
Without dancing.
Without singing.
Without trusting.
Without believing.
Without loving yourself.
Without apologizing.
Without walking away.
Without accepting who you are.
Without being afraid.
Without using your imagination.
Without giving up on yourself.
Without trying to please others.
Without being proud of who you are.
Without trying to be fearless.
Without fighting for a brighter future.
Without smiling.
Without moving forward in your life.
Without giving your all.
Without accepting the things you cant change.
Without trying your best.
Without giving someone a second chance.
Without standing tall.
Without giving someone your hand.
Without keeping up with your responsibility.
Without trying to understand something new.

How Long Can You Go?
If you have to think about than you shouldn't think about it.
Just go for it no matter what it is.
you making your self happy is what important.
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