My breath is shallow
My heart beats quicker
I saw your face
I heard your voice
But it was your phantom that follows me
The one that follows me into my dreams
And paints pictures far better than reality ever was
So when I wake up I don't want to be living in reality
But in you
But it's your phantom I am chasing, not you
Because I know who you are now
You hid your true self from me for so long but I found it
Your true self was the You that didn't return my texts
And ignored my calls
Ignored my cries for help as I drowned
Into an empty chasm of death
Yet you looked into it
And laughed
Somehow I climbed out
Despite my dirtiness and brokenness
I found a way to climb out of that endless chasm
And though I may be tainted
I am alive
I breath the air of a survivor
I am in the eye of the storm, safe from all evils because I have prevailed
Until your phantom returns