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Ylzm Apr 2019
Without father, without mother,
I grew up, running wild and free.
Mountains I conquered, cities I build;
In a strange land, I've now arrived.

Your light was brighter than the sun,
Your hushed whispers, overwhelmed the Sirens.
I'm tempted, I followed and I fell;
In a strange land, I'm now enslaved.
Megan Zhao Feb 2016
Each person
is trying to say:
"I'm here."
—in his or her
own unique
impetuous way.
But please remember
to leave your
on a wall
and check on it
years later.
Reading Yuval Noah Harari's "Sapiens." Found this picture on Part One of a human handprint made about 30,000 years ago on the wall somewhere in southern France.

— The End —