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sometimes the memories
hang like a noose around my neck
everything i have done
and all that i haven't said
all the times i held back

silenced my mind
told myself there’s no way out
there’s no other option
but to endure the pain

every time i pretended i was fine
smiling while tears ran down my eyes
feeling weak, turned into something
i cannot recognize

i try to pull away
only to find myself back
in those same suffocating hands

because even the suffering was worth it
because even though you
made my life a living hell
i couldn’t remember
what it was like before you

i thought i was saved
only to realize i’m trapped,
buried six feet under the weight
of all that ever happened

i thought i was finally found, seen and heard
for once i thought i was loved, for who i am
yet all everyone sees is what i show
my appearance and how much
i can bend to be the version
of me in their heads

until i woke up from the nightmare
and dragged myself out of the hole
setting myself free meant
shattering every belief
every illusion, every pattern
every bad habit
and facing where it all
began and how

my self-worth became
the thing i needed to prove most
by sacrificing and throwing me into the flames
my unhealthy attachment and fear of abandonment
kept me in places i wasn’t respected,
valued nor treated like a human being
but a fulfilling object

i shrank until i lost
every part of myself
that i called my own
i disappeared into myself
and became someone
i didn’t know

and i’m still trying to
remember who i once was
yet i think i can only be
who i’m supposed to become

one that has learnt so much
that didn’t just survive
but grew from it all
never someone who settles
for less than what she deserves

a version that knows
that only those
who are truly worthy
can walk by her side
and are deserving of
holding her heart.
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I looked the demon in the eyes
I saw through its mask and lies

A dark, foggy, circling, shadowy pit
And this shadow, I put my hand through it

I caught sight of my childhood self
Being choked by the Shadow, damaging her health

"Let go!" I called to her
"Never! There is no cure!"

So I responded, "Fly again, my little dove!"
To which she replied, "I just want love."

"In a wound, you are putting salt,"
"I'm telling you, it wasn't your fault!"

And with these words, the Shadow flew across the room
I hugged my younger self, then grabbed a broom

I jabbed at the demon with an angry fit
When younger me whispered, "Do not hurt it."

And before I could try to understand her pain
I saw her darkness and the Shadow linked by chain

I dropped the broom and grabbed a knife
And started to sever their conjoined lives

I heard a faint wail from the Shadow and the child
Severing it and hurting her would be completely wild

I turned to the Shadow, "I have a deal,"
"Unchaining yourself, but remaining by our side would be ideal."

The chain disappeared, and the Shadow hovered
And when I took me and the child outside, us he covered

I led myself to the edge of the world
With all the Shadow's troubles left unfurled

I led her to an empty beach
The sky, the color of a ripe, juicy peach

We laid on the sand, staring at the sky
While the Shadow behind us would fly

We watched the sun slowly go down
Underneath the ocean it began to drown

And when the sun disappeared totally under the sea's blue
I turned around, and turns out the Shadow did too
this is my 101st poem, written on 5/19/24, my birthday !! yeah I don't like this one :(

— The End —