When buildings crumble
& return back to dust
& heads turn in disgust.
Faced with lust & deeds
Of mistrust.
When all else fades
& the stars speckle
Like eons of old dust collected
& swept across the sky,
Time will cease to exist.
While some of us ascend
The staircase.
Not all of us will be so fortunate
In a desert of red.
In any case,
No matter which way you go,
Wait for me.
Wait for me at the floodgate
Which passion percolates &
The stars weep for us as we do
For them.
Don’t breathe without me,
Just as I wouldn’t without you.
Humble & unknowing
I don’t know what’s to become of us
But I do know,
I don’t want to be without you.
When buildings crumble
& return back to dust
When all else fades
& the stars speckle
Like eons of old dust collected
& swept across the sky.
Wait for me,
No matter what happens