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Lady Grey Nov 2017
It feels like a summer day,
But not the good kind

It’s warm outside,
And sunny, yes,
But also slow
...and dead

It’s the kind of summer’s blues
That I get towards the end
Of the break,
Before the next year of school starts

The kind
That I used to get
Before i got a job
Before, when i had nothing to do
At the end

It’s a nostalgia that i don’t like
Knowing that school is coming,
And wondering where the time went
After the good times
When my family was home
And weren’t tired
And neither was i

When i didn’t have to worry
At all
About my future,
About my friends,
About myself

I used to get bored of the freedom
That a three month break
Gave me

I got bored
Of doing…

Something that i crave now

Idly lying in the grass
And staring at the clouds

Wondering where the time has gone
A feeling I got over the weekend

— The End —