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Sometimes the silence is more damaging than the chaos.
Sometimes you’re so mesmerized by all the voices and actions happening around you that you forget to think.
You forget what it’s like to have to sit down and acknowledge every single thing around you.
You just watch and get entertained.
And then, the silences comes in.
And you’re left there, sitting, hearing the sound of your own breath - hearing the sound of your thoughts.
Your thoughts cannot be censored in the silence.
The darkest thought you will ever have, the hardest decision you will ever make, will be in silence.
You torture yourself.
You torture your mind and your soul.
You start to hate yourself.
You start to hate your existence.
You blame yourself for the way you are.
And then they tell you that you need to find a place where you can silence everyone around you and just think.
But what I really want to silence is not around me, it’s inside of me,
And the sad thing is that:
I can never escape it.
Rae Jul 2015
Can anyone see me?
Does anyone care?
This life is so unfair...
I give all the love I have leaving myself with nothing but anger and guilt to fill myself
I break and I wait for the saviour I think about what I would do if I saw someone in so much pain and I realise that I am completely alone...
People don't see the world as a place to love and norish they see it as a feeding ground
The worst part that is once upon a time maybe they were like me maybe they loved to much and got hurt to much... How many times can a heart harden before it becomes stone... I am turning into what I hate and I don't even think I care anymore.
Again not a poem and this time not even close to poetic but let's be honest here poetry is just a pretty way of venting and pretty is ******* over rated
I lay on my bed
Wearing my best dress
I dolled up my hair so pretty
But I'm cold
It's so cold here
Out this far
In this deep
I didn't think I'd be this dark
This lonely
I wish I could take it back...
Put down the razors
Put up the pills
Drain the water
But it's too late now
I'm too far gone
Too far gone to save
I regret it now that I know
I wish I could have held you one last time
Told you I love you
Told you it wasn't because of you that I'm gone
I'm sorry...
But im too far gone to save now

— The End —