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The angel
Draws the Glock
With a swift flick of motion
Pulls the trigger—
A bullet rips through your core~
As it strikes
The truth unveils
The show begins.
You kick and slam,
But the enigmatic door remains~
You gave it your all,
Concluding the telecast,
Your white sore in a red hole—
Rot, maggots, and gore.
A true crucifixion of your soul.

~Burning in vengeance~

Now you face the mind~
A chasm carved by arrogance.
And now,
I become the angel—
Trigger poised in suspense.
Writeability Feb 21
secret recordings
misused in this messed up land
mindf*ck on steroids
Samuel Feb 18
Got a secret? Can you keep it?
Bury it deep in your grave.
Or I’ll knit a doll with ****** stitches,
Stern vows and broken wishes—
Bury it deep, or rot in the ditches.

Turning from my trustful gaze,
My thoughts twist through a thorny maze.
Calculating your faith,
As I sharpen my scathe.

Voices rise, a cursed din,
My ears trace every whispering sin.

Giggles fade, joy is peeled,
Just then, I know—
Your fate is sealed.

I wonder,
Why do we commit our darkest deeds, then tell?
The burn in our brains becomes a living hell.
I know you’ll tell.

Heart racing, humanity fading,
As I approach you, internally cascading.
Silent night, stone-cold face.


Burgundy flows, sins atoned for.
My shirt stained,
With the weight of what I now bore.
No regret to shred,
Only two can keep a secret when one of them is dead.
Inspired from Pretty Little Liars Theme song.
Azarel Feb 16
Cowards cloaked in the safety of shadows,
Hiding behind fictitious names,
Preying upon fragile hearts,
Words laced with venom,
Their hands stained with tears.

What kind of monster knows the wound
Yet rips it open?
What kind of soul sees a fractured heart
And snaps it further still?

I dream of justice
Not swift or merciful,
For that would be too kind a punishment.
I dream of a slow justice, slow as molasses,
Seeping into the safety of shadows they know,
To bring an inferno, unyielding, relentless
To mirror the agony they sowed.

I will tear down the heavens,
I will shatter the earth
To find them, to use them,
To be used as kindling,
To remake the world in flames.

For the world has been far too cruel.
Every ember would sing of her freedom,
Every ash a testament to their sins,
Every cloud of smoke a warning to them all.

Your suffering will not be quick
Oh no, death is far too kind.
You will feel the weight of despair,
The suffocation of regret,
The searing of your sins
Carved into every breath.

And when I hear them plea and beg,
Cry for the Lord to save them,
I’ll ask if they think their penance was enough,
If they regret what they’ve done.

And when they say yes,
And ask for the sweet release of death,
I’ll rejoice as I am the last thing they’ll see
The gleaming smile looking back,
As their light leaves their eyes.
alex Feb 11
The young woman strikes a vending machine
minutes after seeing her test score.

The young man enjoys lunch under an evergreen.

Her previous night, nothing but a smoke screen.
A new substance leads to a new door.
The morning after, she strikes a vending machine.

He drinks cool water from his canteen.
Not a care in the world; therefore,
the young man enjoys lunch under an evergreen.

More distressed than she’s ever been,
she makes her way to a liquor store.
She treats it like a vending machine.

Brushing the dirt off his shoulder since nineteen,
and sure of what he stands for.
Enjoying lunch under an evergreen.

The distressed girl finds her way to a guillotine.
While collected young man stands up for an encore

After many morning afters, she sells herself
like food from a vending machine
While the young man enjoys lunch under an evergreen
I found this in my drafts from 6 years ago
Faith Cubitt Feb 7
I've been running pens dry because of you.
taking the dark black ink and ripping it of its pigment.
like you did to my heart, holding it and admiring it until you used it all.... drained it, ****** the life out of it.
all i wanted was you.... you and genuine love but i couldn't get that, so now i need something, a destraction, a medication to heal this drained and shattered heart.
I will empty pens just like you emptied me.
there are no refills for a broken heart
MetaVerse Feb 1
There one was a man named Malvolio,
A fictional man in a folio
     Who was played for a fool
     By some rascals at Yule
For acting like such an assholio.
Saman Badam Feb 1
To show them mercy, I become a fiend,
A curse upon my own, by kindness sworn
Yet contrite sorrow cuts through thickest rind
And hollows out my hallowed soul in scorn.

Such dulcet words for cloying, bitter thing.
For honey-laced ash inside ear it pours.
As words of rust and ruin with worry sing,
From inside, they are veil not moat heart roars.

Like whetstone, grace and duty sharp the pain,
To make me spare the foe that slay my kin.
Each sip, each grain is marked with blooded name,
The choice of poison left for me like sin.

The world is vaster than two ends of knife,
My soul is worth more than this bitter strife.
The context for 'the foe slay your kin' is that it is written from the perceptive of an army general who has lost too much in the battle and now has enough advantage to brutally crush the opposition if he so wishes.

'veil not moat' is meant to signify that his mercy/humanity and that ability is not a moat hindering his hatred, but a mere veil that might rip any movement. Yes, it hurts him to strangle his humanity under a pillow, but so would forgiving those how have slayed his kin, and that's the double sided knife hollowing his soul is.
I used to wonder what it was like to be
Used to believe I was a monster simply because of what
I was.
Now I understand.
I choose to be a monster because
I choose to ****, to rip lives apart because of
what they did to mine.
Nothing will ever
I am not a monster because I am
I am not evil because I am
I am not feared because of my name or my skin, but because of my
I keep my promises, always.
They deserve what is
They deserve to see the same destruction they sent
and my people.
They deserve to weep, kneeling on the
burnt floor
as they mourn those who were
from them
And, if I die in the process, then I will
finally reunite
with my family in
My revenge will be as
as the
I was called.
Written by the same para (Necare) grown up/present day.
Lidia Jan 3
To the deceitful people I say,
As in the midst of treacheries they lay,
To test gold there does exist a way,
For their wrong deeds they'll have to pay.
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