"Hello" Poetry
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randomstuff poems
randomstuff collections
Nov 2021
l saw you across the road
behind you a dandelion field.
You are flattened to a billboard.
Always stuck with a smile.
If only l had the courage,
it would be a decent amount of courage
it would be the only courage,
l have to keep you real to me
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Little Red
Feb 2019
A really random poem
Sleep is good
Cuz it's like food
But food's better
Since its tastier
And yes this is really stupid
All of my random poems will get, well random, well more random than the last one to say at the least :]
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Little Red
Jan 2019
And yet another random poem
I like food
Cause it tastes good
I hate vegetables though
Cause it tastes gross
Yeah... Idk why I wrote this
I don't really know what I'm doing anymore
Please send help XD
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Little Red
Dec 2018
Another random poem
They say the Earth is round
Some say the Earth is flat
But I say the Earth is a triangle
Why?You ask
Cause why not?
Deal with it
This is caused by my sleep deprivation
Fight me
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Little Red
Dec 2018
A random poem
I know I'm selfish
So eat a fish
I made a dish
That is grayish
Made by me and my friends.When we were Grade 7 :)
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Maria Imran
Jan 2017
Optional pains?
You tell yourself
this is the limit
I'll wait until
then I'll stop missing
When it's still
hours until then
And you sleep, don't weep, work and run
Out of time. He doesn't return
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— The End —