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Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Eye for an eye, we all go blind
But you're better than mankind
Through judgement we hide
Never reveal our darker side
That we all have fallen short
Of the King's holy court
But through a bent knee
And a broken heart
He gives us who ask
An eternal restart
Written 24 February 2016... Isaiah 63:7-9
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
I guess I'm just a path of destruction
Another person I ******* over
Just not going to try anymore
Try not to feed the beast
But he's too strong
Chains no longer hold me
Bullets no longer wound me
Words are no longer heard
Blood is no longer tasted

Yet I keep killing
And keep feeding
Written 24 February 2016... ****
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Why does Doctor Who always run?
He's done so much good, and helped so many
He always tries to do the right thing
He always fights against the evil of the universe

Why can't he keep a companion?
He's always looked out for them
He's always cared for them and had their backs
He's done nothing but give them adventure

Why is he nameless?
Because no matter how much good he does
No matter how many right things he does
No matter how much evil he slays
No matter how much he looks out
No matter how much he cares
No matter how many adventures


There's always the past that's unforgivable
And he never stays because he knows he's a poison
Who will destroy everything he repairs

Doctor Who is never good enough for himself
He's his own judge, jury, and executioner
Written 24 February 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
I never knew
Ten words were
So important
Until now
Written 24 February 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
I'm a lighthouse
I guide so many
And keep them
From battering
Against the rocks

But they also know to stay away
From me

They should
Stay away from me

I'll burn them down
I'll break their hearts
I'll rip their spirit
I'll drown them

So let this light guide you
But don't dare come ashore
This keeper is a hermit
Written 24 February 2016... really hated myself when I wrote this one.
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
“For Ragamuffins, God's name is Mercy. We see our darkness as a prized possession because it drives us into the heart of God. Without mercy our darkness would plunge us into despair - for some, self-destruction. Time alone with God reveals the unfathomable depths of the poverty of the spirit. We are so poor that even our poverty is not our own: It belongs to the mysterium tremendum of a loving God.”
― Brennan Manning
Obviously not my write. Taken from his book "Ragamuffin Gospel"
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Holding so many secrets of so many people
Everyone confides in me their darkest deeds
I'm not sure why people trust me so much
I haven't done anything to earn it
Except keeping my mouth shut

But I want to say thank you for trusting me
Those who have confided in me
I see you at your worst moments
And I see the beauty in you
I won't ever let go of you guys
Written 23 February 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Truth told, I don't know why I'm Christian right now.
I mean, I know I'm saved... I know I'm His.
But I can't tell myself apart from the world anymore.
My thoughts are broken, my soul aches...
Still I'm no closer to Him than when I started.
I claw an inch to lose a foot, then just let myself slide back...
I don't know what's wrong with me anymore...
Written 23 February 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
The hot bath water helps me not tonight
This feeling of uncertainty fogs my mind
Like the steam rising up fogs the mirror
Lots of thoughts racing through my head

Hoping we don't just turn to memories
Perhaps it just went too fast
Hoping we are going to last
Perhaps we're really in jeopardy
Written 23 February 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
I love all you guys!
You make me fly!
I love you all!
You all are swell!

You cheer me up!
Like a cute little pup!
You love me, yup!
So I must yell!

I love you all! <3
Written 22 February 2016
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