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I observe reality
Then I realize
My attention gets
From the implicit
Yet more then obvious

World News
Clever Fox
Hides a lot
They back the burglars
Celebrate the thief’s
Manufacture consent
Without relief
Without regret
Same as MSNBC
Not a single moral left!
ConnectHook Dec 2016
Fake news indeed:

Is this a fox in the hen-house or a hoax in the fun-house ?
It’s news to them that it’s views from us. Weaning ourselves ***-for-tat while we wet-nurse the networks net-worth, they pull the wool over their own press-cards, spinning yarns fit to knit a seamless weave of tailored narrative (free alterations post-laundering, free press with dry-cleaning). Ironing out the irony, the ship of state suddenly mixes metaphors: a freak gyre of Greek fire, leak-proof talking points for caulking joints on a sinking vessel, a showboat floating fake liars, gloating, into lakes of fire. Let us light a naked fuse to the faked news until their networks ignite like an information overload. Fake news indeed. News to me…
      now watch them form a phalanx as we farm the faux links.
Greek Fire:
an incendiary weapon which appears to have been developed around the seventh century [...] It appeared to ignite in water, and pouring water on it caused the fire to grow even larger...

1. a ring or circle.
2. a circular course or motion.
3. a ringlike system of ocean currents rotating clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.

— The End —