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Isabelle Jun 2016
Writing in between dusk and dawn
late night and early morning thoughts
all things I should have done
all things I should have said
ends up in a sheet of paper

Writing in between fantasy and reality
distinguishing facts from dreams
separating actual events from things that happened only in mind
drawing a line between possible and impossible
all ends up in a black ink

Writing in between, with an angel and a devil beside
they look at me saying
"decide which side to take, decide which bridge to burn"
it takes a lot of wisdom to choose
it takes a lot of understanding to do

Writing in between seconds and minutes
of how time takes things and how things takes time
of how time is sometimes too slow
and sometimes too fast
writing about how time has betrayed me

Writing in between good and evil
of what is angelic and sinister
of what is moral and immoral
of what is accepted and not
all written, but all don't matter

Writing in between life and death
still couldn't define what is living
still couldn't define what comes with death
writing in between inhales and exhales
grasping for words and air
So hard to make a stand
So hard to choose a side
So for now, writing in between glory and what bores me.

I don't know where it should go. Random thoughts of mine. Hope it make sense.

— The End —