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Graeme Feb 1
The dinner table.
It is called what it is despite the use for all meals
starts out with breakfast
the kids get their backpacks from the chairs and go to school.

The dinner table.
Come lunchtime, sandwiches
prepared on its rough tired surface
waiting for the children to come home and enjoy them.

The dinner table.
Now comes dinner,
A place of comfort and good thing
where every expressed meal takes place in the American home.

The dinner table.
Wooden, ovoid piece of furniture located in the formal dining room
such a work of art in yet such a pleasant, morsel-resting masterpiece
a family heirloom often overlooked for its uses.

The dining room is where the family can relax at the universal dining counter for mealtime.

The kitchen is where the food is made and prepared. But tonight, we have other meal plans.

The dinner table.
Let us rest our heads upon its surface and say a prayer of thanks
let us praise the Lord for the food he has blessed us with.
Now let’s eat! This takeout looks delicious!
Written in 2013. This was written for a school poetry project.

— The End —