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Maw Maw Sez Jun 2016
The chain
on my mood swing
snapped today

and I just about went ballistic
when I saw my husbands

cluttered closet
(*** as frightening as a bomb scare)

I yelled at him for the 100th time
to get with the program and
instead of cleaning it for him
I handed him my phone and said
"Here's my phone, it has GPS
so  you can find your way back
and please be home by dinnertime"

*for some reason, he found no humor in that
Maw Maw Sez Jun 2016
Be good to each other
and forgive when you can
lend a hand to the weary
and be kind even when it hurts
spread the love all over town
and defend your family
respect your elders
and mostly love yourself
you're worth it
Maw Maw Sez Jun 2016
I find myself wondering
about young men today
why don't they open doors
for their women?
What happened to chivalry?
Please don't start screaming
about women "burning their bras"
because there's more to it than that
What happened to the generation
of fathers that taught their sons
about respecting ladies
and protecting them?
now it seems most of the
younger male generation
use girls for ****** gratification
and personal idolization
I have granddaughters
they have been taught well
they will not degrade themselves
for some pimple faced ****
with a bad attitude
come on down to Maw Maws house
I'll give a lesson or two about manners
yup me, my sweet tea and my trusty 347
bring it on *******
this old lady ain't no frump
Maw Maw Sez Jun 2016
My bones are really aching
and I think I have the flu
I need some cottony tissues
and some very hot chicken stew


don't you think for a minute
that Maw Maw's really sick
just cause Ima scratchin'
like a hound dog with a tick

Give me just a day or two
and I'll be good as gold
don't ever go and count me out
just because I'm old
Maw Maw Sez Jun 2016
Your moods
should not dictate
your use of manners

and remember

Two of the most
magical words
you will ever utter
please and thank you
Maw Maw Sez Jun 2016
Don't ever be rude
manners are the cornerstone
of your character
Maw Maw Sez Jun 2016
Eating quietly
is the thing to do
so please don't talk
whilst you chew

Smacking and slurping
I will never allow
or spitting and drooling
like an old milk cow

No laughing or giggling
at the table round
mess with Maw Maw
and I'll take you down
Maw Maw Sez Jun 2016
A persons manners
are a reflection
of their true colors
Maw Maw Sez Jun 2016
When asking for something
you should always say please
if I hear ya getting rude
I'll drop ya to your knees

Always use your thank you
don't ever be a *****
if I catch ya being mean
I'll beat you with a switch

No interrupting people
this I already said
you better use “excuse me”
or I'll cuff you in the head

When ever you're in doubt
always ask permission
if you don't do this
you'll be taken out of commission

Keep your negativity to yourself
and never ever be crass
if I catch you mouthin' off
I'll kick you in the ***

No making fun of appearances
I won't put up with that
if I hear you doing this
I'll smash you with a bat

Never open up a door
without knocking first
let me catch you doing that
your bubble I will burst

Use your quiet voice inside
you really shouldn't yell
If Maw Maw hears you doing that
you're gonna catch some hell

No one likes a ***** mouth
you really shouldn't cuss
don't you even do it
or you'll really make me fuss

I hope you learn these lessons
and try not to be bad
use your manners daily
and never make Maw Maw mad
Maw Maw Sez Jun 2016
remember to be kind to your mother
and always respect her wishes
and if you're still living in her house
get off your **** and do some dishes

grab a broom and sweep some floors
it'll really do you some good
wash the car and take out the trash
and then go chop some wood

go do some grocery shopping
and buy some bags of food
and maybe cook a dinner
for your mom and the rest of the brood

always take care of your parents
if not for them you would surely be dead
that might be an over exaggeration
I know that just messed with your head

always use some compassion
and don't even tell a small lie
if you lose your integrity
the price you pay will be high

at night say a prayer to our father
and thank him for being your friend
and ask him if at all possible
tomorrow you'd like to do it again
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