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I learned from my mother
And my youngest aunt
That I didn't want to be
A teenage mother
I learned from another aunt
That love is always a battle
And I have to decide if its worth the fight
(Which I believe it is)
I learned from my other aunt
That anger only locks you up
And once in it's hard to get out
I learned from my step mother that
Endurance goes so far
I learned from my grandmother
That putting *****
In your orange juice
Is not a good start to any day
I learned from my cousin
That care is in our hearts
And if you lack empathy
You may leave your soul behind
I learned from my great aunt
That kindness and helping people
Is good for the soul
I learned from my great uncle
That just because you have a lot of things
Doesn't mean you have everything
Lastly, I learned from my father
That love grows in all the little things,
All the small words or actions
And that without those
We cannot grow love.
They taught me with their mistakes and their good intentions, they taught me with absences and their presence. Through my life they will be my family despite our differences and the fact that at one point or another we detest each other. I've grown up in a tornado of a family but it's a testament to our strength that we're still standing. Also love is important and they taught me that and it's that lesson that I found him and we fell in love...Nothing comes easy but love will always be worth fighting for.

— The End —