in stillness...in what appears to be quiet
so many things take place...
there's buzzing, hearts are pounding,
faraway drums beating, like thunder, blaring,
in a soundlessness that reverberates,
no one can tell when dewdrops fall
not a sound permeates the air
they have long been nourishing,
moistening the grass of the earth, yet,
no one hears, no one sees, how, or when...
the leafholder, without a fiber of speed
in its body....devours a whole leaf,
there is no chewing, or munching heard
even when watched, it gives no sounds.
my purple dendrobium proudly
shows new flower buds with such calm,
from the base of the cattleya orchid, young
green roots take a grasp on the driftwood.
how, or when these took place,
i really didn't hear, or notice.
on the street, a humble, lightweight
house spider, with less than eight legs
suddenly moved....like tumbleweeds,
rolling with the blowing of a gusty wind,
a crawling see-through ball, entangling
fallen strands and tiny strips of street dirt,
i almost stepped on it,
i didn't notice....i didn't hear...
the faucet leaks...pail is nearly filled
there's a gap of many seconds, before
each drop falls and touches the surface
of the rising water...too long....most often
too late....when heard, and noticed...
so many babies...young children disappear, they
pass away...adults die from many unacceptable
causes......some self-inflicted...some make it normal
an entry into statistics....read, heard, with passing winds...
we live in this noisiest of planets
every nook, every part, occupied
yet, significant parts of this world....of our life
remain unheard...........unnoticed.
"i look....but i don't see...
i listen.....but i don't hear."
Copyright October 28, 2017