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Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
The Best People In The World Are The One's Who Really Love you
And Care About You, Honor and Care About your presence
The Best People in the World Are the ones your heart sings for
The Best Age in your Life is  Now
The Best Moment In your Life is Now
The Best Place to Be in The World is Where you Are
The Best Place in The World is Here
The Best Movie in the World is The One you Dare To Create
The Best Story in the World is the One you re-Create
The Epic Love in The World is the One you cultivate within
And Dare to share with those who care
The Most Beautiful Human In The World Is The Infinite Eternal YOU
And Only YOU for Ever you My Love
Bless This Divine Beauty!
Time For A New Juice Journey from The Inside Out
Let It All Out Let It Blow you away
The Warrior Queen and The Warrior King inside  is crystal clear and is sending you mantras to kickass your day with Eternal Wisdom of Ages To the Song Of the Earth wind Fire and Water ..
Are you Listening?

Here Now Souls Singing and it's you Eternal YOU and You And You..

— The End —