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Kalen Dion Apr 2021
It was the storm of a lifetime. The storm of the century. It fell fast and it fell hard, and now you are too full of salt and water to hold yourself. If you don't open the flood gates, if you don't let the tears follow the rain, the dam is going break, your heart will break with it, and everything you've fought for will be washed completely away.
Kalen Dion Apr 2021
“My heart is in pieces,” she said.

“So are the stars,” I replied, “the most beautiful things always are.”
Kalen Dion Apr 2021
you’re not falling apart,
you’re getting rid of the pieces
that no longer serve your purpose.
This is surgery of the spirit,
and it can be painful as hell.
Kalen Dion Apr 2021
You can't make a flower bloom.
You can shine all you want
but it won't open
until it's ready.

— The End —