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ConnectHook Mar 2019
Jussie walks ! Money talked—and talked loud
To the Trump-hating race-hustle crowd;
And they break forth in cheers
As star Smollett appears
For their drama-queen makes them so proud.

For a moment Fake News became tense:
Jussie's narrative made little sense.
There were lies told in spades,
But the incident fades;
Now it's on to more current events.
ConnectHook Feb 2019
Donald Trump has made many quite fussy;
as he did for one actor, named Jussie.
In the end, the abuse
was revealed as fake noose,
two Nigerians, red hats, and one *****.

It's so rotten, one almost can smell it
and it's painfully shameful to tell it;
but this fellow named Smollett
reached deep in his wallet.
Some bought it, when he tried to sell it.
Just corner Kevin and ask him about it:
ConnectHook Feb 2019
Poor Jussie Smollett.
Had SO much going for him:
Black, gay, hated Trump . . .
Oh what tangled webs we weave,
when first we hire Nigerians to be redneck villains in a hoaxed "hate-crime"

— The End —