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Kyle Kulseth Aug 2014
Three days ago
            it was Canada Day
Wait for the winter under Maple Leaf shade.
I'm alight with night time's
            anaesthetized truths
soothe sweaty, shaking aches
            until this
        Independence Day
frees up my lungs.

Three days ago,
         turned 29 years old.
Etched our initials in a park bench, rolled
my smudging thoughts into
         photographed truth.
Our silver, halide smiles
         on paper
        live in drawers,
   tie me to 25.

Our hearts aglow,
we rose
through dreams and aching,
        chafing hopes.

True. Free. Young.

But the bombs burst that bubble
and red eyes glared
           through anger and an aching, sorry chest.
Ottar Jul 2014
Young countries grow, old
Time spills out and unfolds,
Liberty, Freedom, A Place that
                               has it's own dream,
Songs sang, bring tears,
Anthems, passed fears,
Take pride America,
For every American,
Who has a home, who has a neighbour,
who has a defender, offering peace,
whose young children hold old hands,
whose women and men, continue again, and again and again,
to make it, starts with that dream,
watered with tears, and fed with more than food stamps,
even with so many accents they
all say in one breath,
"thank you for the opportunity"
to serve, to be free, to have the will
from the Baja to Presque Isle,
from Bellingham to Florida, Puerto Rico,
when hopes follow the sun's rise bright,
"Oh say can you see by dawn's early light"
To America, To all of my American friends, and dearest American Poets,
We don't see eye to eye, there must be a reason for that,
May we respectfully push each other to be better, to each one we meet,
who come from lands where there is no translated word used anymore for
"opportunity"  There are holes in the fabric, I won't say large and I won't
say irreparable, where are those with thread and needles and diligence and patience and love to repair a flag, to unite a people, peacefully.
In quotes from the "Star Spangled Banner "

— The End —