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SquidInk Nov 2020
what we promised would never happen is happening
messages slowly being left on read
we run out of things to talk about more everyday
we awkwardly walk each other to class because that's what we always did
we have 3-minute phone calls instead of 3 hour-long phone calls
we cry about what's happening behind closed doors but it gets worse still
we are supposed to cry in each other's arms, not about each other
we unpin each other because we don't message much anymore
im starting to forget how it feels to laugh for hours over nothing
im starting to forget how it felt when we would rage about boys
im starting to forget the genuine happiness i felt when i could see you
im starting to forget how pure our true connection had been
we said twin flames
the flame is flickering
we used to be too close
now it seems like we were never close enough
we promised
we promised this would never happen
we promised that we would never drift
we promised that our friendship was one in a million
so why
why is that one in a million friendship crumbling
we were meant to be best friends
we were meant to wipe each other's tears and hold each other
we were meant to laugh until we couldn't breathe
we were meant to be attached at the hip
we were never supposed to forget how it felt to be so close to someone
so close that we never hesitated to call each other our best friend
but now we do
now it seems we are just neighbors
neighbors who used to be really really close
the worst feeling in the world

— The End —