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HappyHappyHappy Apr 2017

I'm so glad!

I'm so glad I could smile!

*So I can cover my tear dripping depressed face
yeah youll never see whats under my mask
Emma Jan 2017
I step quietly, into this dark house
examining the shattered windows,
the broken lights, the cluttered furniture
that nobody had bothered to clean
The scent of abandonment and loneliness
that had filled each of the rooms,
i walked through,
as i had realized this home
had once been happy,
it had once been able to be bright,
clean, and people felt comfort
being in its' presence,
yet it is now broken,
this lonely house.
It's now shattered, exterminated
as nobody sees its' worth anymore
for what it has been before
This broken house,
All it needed was love.
Represents my heart </3
Hayley Jan 2017
Love him one day and hate him the next?
It's the teenage obsession with ***!

Do anything to get him to notice you
Find out that all along that he's a snake, too

Other than looks, what more does he have?
The opportunity for a good, hearty laugh

Overall, what are you to do and say?
Just pray that this obession will go away
Meant to be read as a cheer
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