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Neo Nov 2017
It was the first time
The first time words felt
Like sparks "clearing" electric charges
To each individual I found residing in my womb
Creating heat signatures, dripping sleeves of string
Off of their tiny bodies that defy gravity
Unveiling the beauty of a sensation
Never known before she said
Those Three Words.
Words left too familiarised
That used to echo numbingly
Like the violent stab of a harmless ghost.

It was my first time,
The first time a simple gaze & touch
Would increase the tempo
of the small set in timpani
Beating this double crotchet rhythm
Behind it's natural cages
First time I'd felt so excited
First time I'd felt so scared

The first time
Words sent sparks to awaken the creatures in my womb
The first time the timpani behind my ribs beat from seeing her in the same room
The first time
Those Three Words
Gave me butterflies
I'm so happy it was with you.
Timpani = my heart
"Clearing" = like a defibrillator machine

— The End —