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Hanna Kelley Jul 2015
It's where I met my friends
It's where I fell in love
It's where I learned to skate
It's where I go to have fun
The memories I have from this place aren't all great..
It's also the place where I found out I was being cheated on.
Lied to.
It's where I talked friends out of suicide.
That bathroom has helped me in more ways then you would think.
Those walls and tiles have felt my anger,
That bathroom stall has hidden my tears from the world,
And that mirror has showed me the truth.
The people that work there are my best friends, my friends from school go there too.
They are the people that helped me through hard times,
They are the ones that make my day better, sometimes even my entire week.
When I go there, all of my worries subside for a little bit and I just have fun.
This is the place I go to when I need a break.
A break from my parents,
A break from the drama,
A break from the depression that always finds its way into my life.
These people have hugged me out of love and kindness,
They have made me laugh in my worst moments,
They have given me their trust and I do the same in return.
If you still don't understand why I would love this so much, then let me share something else:

As soon as I walk through the doors I am greeted with smiles and happiness.
They blast music to discise the silence that would normally tear me apart.
My friends are there to make it 10 times better.
As soon as I get on the rink I am free.
I am stuck in an endless circle,
Different from the world outside.
The colorful lights draw my attention away from my worries and makes me happy.

For three hours, I am happy
I am free
I am in a different world
This is why George's roller Inc is my special place
It's in hermiston, Oregon. If any of you guys are in the area then you should come hang out :)

— The End —