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Taylor Lynn Jul 2015
Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the age of the dead,
where we raise our children to be worse than the last.
Welcome to the era of the self conceited,
and the arrogant.
We've been raised in the age,
where the amount of likes on our pictures,
is considered more worthy than our own morals.
Welcome to the age of self deranged idiots,
that run amongst our streets causing havoc.
Welcome to the generation of the lost cause.
Where the teenagers are feared and cause chaos.
Have you opened your eyes yet?
Welcome to the age of the broken,
were we are believed to be the kids that won't amount to anything.
Welcome one and all to this world,
this society that has become hell.
Because you see we raise our children,
to feel as if they need to fit specific standards,
in order to be worth anything.
The young woman of this era,
believe they need to look like the girls in the magazine,
to be worth a mans affection.
Welcome to the time where being skinny, pretty, and tan,
is worth more than the knowledge in a woman's head.
Or the generation where we teach our daughters to "cover up,"
instead of teaching our sons right from wrong.
Now we can't forget the boys,
we teach our sons that they are less than a woman,
we raise them to feel like their lives are worth less than a woman's.
Or how about the fact that we raise our sons,
to believe that "swag" and "****" are the cool things to be.
This is the generation of terror,
do you not see that we are this worlds future?
The kids of today are influenced by what we see,
brain washed by what's put on the T.V.
You see we've raised our kids to believe,
that we are a failure to our society.
Is this what you wanted?
Look how warped our world has become,
the apocalypse is here.
The apocalypse where technology, and our contorted image of normal,
has overtaken the world.
Schools no longer educate,
only mesmerize our kids into lifeless bodies.
Music no longer has meaning,
its only about being on top and *******, hoes, and money.
Art is discouraged,
a splash of paint is considered more artistic than a spray painted master piece.
Do you see the problem here?
Our government slips everything under the noses of its people,
because society makes out petty things to be important.
Our society is so distorted,
and nobody even sees that us kids are your future.
Do I have your attention now?


— The End —