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Dhimss Mar 17
Somehow everything is the same but all that was is different,
the people, the clothes, me and then there's you.

Karmic retributions keep tilting me away from you,
but hopefully, this time we'll make something that lasts so here's to the tomorrow that's yet to come.

Consequences, repercussions have me always missing you,
I blink twice, breathe once and suddenly there's no trace of you.

I've done my best and I have no regrets,
but maybe you do,
do you perhaps regret me?

But if not so, then where are you?
been awhile but i've found my muses now.
Phoenix Rising Oct 2014
Hey, are you okay?
You look like you need a friend
Averted stare, unmanaged hair, fresh wet skin under those eyes
Hey, are you okay?
I think we have all been there
Disturbed, unheard, horribly impaired

I love you and even if I didn't
There are a million--no, billions who would love you in a minute
Don't dread and tread all over that beautiful mind
I'll take you in and call you mine

Fix you up, give you strength
Until you are ready to take the lengths
Walk on your own again, remember how bliss feels
I'll give you my heart as a meal
Eat it up, love for two
And if I fall back you'll be ready to catch me

The never ending cycle of needing one another

— The End —