not quite competent at being human
not quite competent at being alive
it's hard to find the way to the pass grade
when the map has been hidden
when the study notes are lost in the fire
not quite competent at being human
an alien inside a body unfamiliar
it's hard to be a woman
when the blood that is shed monthly
is seen as offensive
when the blood shed comes from wars
fought years ago
not quite competent at being human
but competent at being brave
it's easier to keep passing through
when i ensure that my voice is being used
when integrity is being pursued
not quite competent at being human
but competent at being creative
it's easier to breathe this air
when an art form is being prepared
not quite competent at being human
not quite competent at being accepted
but competent in accepting others
competent in accepting that the problem is theirs
competent in accepting that the problem is theirs