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Dev Nov 2014
I see you.

And I hear them too.

"You need to choose."
"Well you must like one more than the other"
"This is just a phase."
"Oh, you're just confused."

I see you.

And I hear society.

Today, society feels threatened by anything that does not fit a label.
Especially if that label leads to more confusion than clarity.

Dear Little Bi-Girl, you are not the problem.

Gay - Men who like Men
Lesbian - Women who like women
Bi-****** - you like both?

Dear Little Bi-Girl, they are confused by you.

Bi-sexuality is what the "B" in LGBT stands for.
Proving that you are recognized as "different" and it's okay.
But yet you still feel the lack of respect associated with who you want to love.

Little Bi-Girl, you remind society that there is a grey area in this black and  white world.

You are the blurred line.
You are the example of half and half.
You are the misunderstood.

And I still see you.

Not fully allowed to be a part of the straight world and not fully allowed to be a part of the gay world.

You feel awkward in both.
You don't fit in a box.

Borderline hetero, borderline ****.

And I still see you.

You like the softness of a woman,
The ruggedness of a man,

And society is not content with your opinion of your ****** orientation:

"I just like people".

Society is loud and drowns you out.

"You need to choose."
"Well you must like one more than the other"
"This is just a phase."
"Oh, you're just confused."

But Little Bi-Girl,

I see you.

You can't choose.
You don't like one more than the other.
and It's not just a phase.

You're not confused.
Society is.

Dear Little Bi-Girl,
I hear you.

I am you.
About a year ago, I came out as bi-******. A label I hate to use, but the only one society has to describe me, and my ****** orientation. It was an interesting experience. I was no longer a part of the hetero world, but I was not really a part of the gay community as I thought I would be. This poem reflects some of the major identity issues I struggled, and continue to struggle with on a daily basis.

— The End —