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Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2019
And when
You happened
Everything was different
Everything felt sound

A thought escaped
Holding all the dreams
You’re the one

It begins
With you
Will you be my poem?
Will you crown the surname?

Trust the process
Whisper in the ears
Let nobody listens
Genre: Romantic
Theme: All about today
Author's Note:
How awesome
It is
To find
Radiates empathetic vibes
Understands your silence
Believes your defination of oneness

Truely it's magic
Once in the lifetime
It happens
Aditi May 2015
All I know
Since the moment
You decided to walk away
Is how many seconds
have passed
Before I lost track
Of them
As seconds turned to minutes
Minutes flowed into hours
And I still have not
seen your face

All I know
Since the moment
You decided to walk away
Is how you have been my shelter
From everything I loved
Which later on turned toxic,
How you have saved me
From drowning
In a flood that he
And his memories
Always bring

All I know
Since the moment
You decided to walk away
Is how I have been pouring
myself Out in you
And just when I thought I was empty
The momentary bliss would fade
And still
you would hold me
After the many times
I relapsed

All I know
Since the moment
you decided to walk away
Is everything has
gone less tender
Night comes with pangs
In the shape of my worst nightmare
But sleep never does
Days have gone monotonous
Meeting into each other
In a slurry blur

All I know
Since the moment you
Decided to walk away
Is that the symmetry of things
Around me
Does not look the same.
The lonely tree is crying
Dropping its jewel in
Early spring*
Come back
You're not my mcdreamy or, Cristy, you just happen to be the last man standing in my crumbled-to-pieces world. You are the karev to my Meredith. Hope your studies are going great and you come back soon. I'll go hit the books too because without you, quite frankly, this world does not interest me any more.

If you happen to be Grey's fan, this could Also be the poem Meredith would write for Derek I.e. if she were a poet and not a neurosurgeon and also he did not "decide" to walk away.

— The End —