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 Aug 2015 T D
Shrinking Violet
When I left my father's house,
he looked at me with sad eyes.
I wondered why. Here I was off
to marry the marquis of my dreams
and there he was in the shadows
of a crumbling house
turning into a dream instead.
I wanted to tell him
that I was his daughter
through and true
and he would be proud yet.
But we didn't have time
not for silence nor for words.
So I left my father dusty and alone
and silent and never looked back.

When I returned to my father's house,
he looked at me with love in his eyes.
I wondered why. Here I was because
the marquis of my dreams had become
blood, flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones,
living in an empty house of gold.
The reality of it hurt like a raw wound.
I had to leave.
I wanted to tell my father
that I was his daughter still
but maybe not so true nor so brave
and not so much a cause for pride.
So I told him so in silences and in
still, small words.
My father listened, dusty and alone,
and all he said was
"I'm glad you're back."
Inspired by Chaucer's Griselda,  but also gratitude for my parents' love.
 Apr 2015 T D
SG Holter
 Apr 2015 T D
SG Holter
How ****** it is,* is all
I ever hear about

So polish the ****.
Put make-up on the

On every piece of space-junk
There is a thin film of

They tell me.
So look past it.

We're all

There's crap in everything.
Focus on what isn't.
The Devil's in the

Details, so I suppose
God is in the

Show me a sunset.
And don't point


Or the lack of
Poetry on
A blank

Page. The paper had
Nothing to do with

Nor the night skies with how
The sun came

 Apr 2015 T D
Prabhu Iyer
Famed to have brought light into being, but
dark, dark you are my friend, passing
through me effortlessly, though I know
there is an interaction: week, very week.

Deep there buried somewhere in my soul
was a throb heard, when every miracle
that forms the chain of my life surfaces:
and I've been searching for you. I thought

you were beyond oceans, where sky meets,
until my ship turned around at the horizon;
I looked for you in the womb of terran vaults
and then in the planets and the stars,

and you have been collapsing fields and
manifesting timelines so I proposer, meanwhile.
You are not what I worshipped in image and
then smashed it and sought in formless word.

Every time I grasp you, you vanish, retreat,
bubble-being, who knows what exists beyond
this expanse we inhabit, these membranes
and curled up manifolds, where in the knots

I'm still searching; But before even this unfolds
in full, I discover, it is all dark, darkness
that holds these tiny galaxies of light in its
densest folds; Magicienne, wave your wand,

let us know beyond the dark and the illuminated,
let us in, into the secret chamber of kinship.
Wearing my geek hat - mystical piece, prompted by this breathaking research:
 Apr 2015 T D
Rob Rutledge
 Apr 2015 T D
Rob Rutledge
They will tunnel through your heart
Becoming entangled with your soul.
A thousand miles apart,
The one is weaker than the whole.
 Apr 2015 T D
Rob Rutledge
 Apr 2015 T D
Rob Rutledge
I am not afraid of death
It's the waiting that's killing me.
 Apr 2015 T D
Rob Rutledge
Find solace in solitude,
There is no shame in that.
We are unknown to ourselves
An ocean to which we delve.
Scarcely coming up for air,
Entangled in fathoms
Whirlpools of despair.
Waves of introspection
Spare us shallow reefs,
Yet cast us into darkness
And the horrors of the deep.
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