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Sydney V Nov 2019
There is a melody that sings,
of a dream lost in time, with music
that fits the space  
that can’t be filled.
She is as real to you,  
as the wood in your hands
and at night, beyond the timbre of your guitar  
that murmurs melodies about a world
too many understand.
What once was elegant boulevards
in Madrid, are now  
a melodic strain  
of fleeting moments, trapped  
in colorless discontent.
This is an attempt at ekphrastic poetry, which I based of the X-ray version of 'The Old Guitarist" by Pablo Picasso. I highly suggest looking up this image, as it speaks differently than the one that is commonly known, and it may make the poem easier to understand.
Sydney V Nov 2019
At thirteen,  
my sibling, my supposed partner,
in our disheveled family life  
taught me a different kind of warmth  
that comes from talking back.  
My ebullition  
was matched
with a violence that erupted
like a passionate applause  
for a trombone feature at the end  
of Mahler’s third symphony.  
Only this applause  
ended with  
a cold hand outstretched  
latching, to my wrist
as the other  
bare palm swung,  
into the lobe of my left ear
leaving behind
a warm, feverish  
crimson glow.
I tend to draw my experience from ones that are a bit personal, it's cathartic for me.
Sydney V Nov 2019
My sister,
will never give life
to another.
Never give life
to a soul
that'd be a part of her
but not truly her own.
Never attempt
to break away
from bonds,
from the young ones
that cling to her
like rain on stone.
Until the last bell
shouts to signify
going home.
I won't,
ever relish in laughter
of chesnut locks
and curls
that aren't my own.
My brother in-law,
will never say
oh that's mine,
when asked,
"which one is yours?"
Nor call someone, my boy
or say, that's my girl.

— The End —