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  Oct 2014 suicidalsmiles
Erin Lewis
Do you still think of me?
When the world seems
To have left me behind.
Do you think of me
When you smile and laugh
In the distance.

All I can think of is your eyes
How they use to look at me
With love and passion
Now they barely glance
For a moment in my direction

Do you love me as you did
When you wiped away my tears
When you held me
When I wanted to die
Do you love me still
Are you even still mine?
  Oct 2014 suicidalsmiles

two letters off
you've changed
(so have I)
but I want to know
why my body still
skips a beat or a whole
bone when I hear about


i've worried for too long over
the things I cannot control
so today will be the last
time I write about

(c) Brooke Otto

Until I'm better.
  Oct 2014 suicidalsmiles
all day long
i havent seen you for 2 months and you've changed
i just want us to talk for ones
but sometimes you just make me wait and wait
it hurts, waiting for something to happen when really it wont
  Oct 2014 suicidalsmiles
Justin Phipps
There are those songs,
the ones
that you hear
on the radio
or on a friend's
music player.
That do something
to you.
You feel a bit different
while you listen.
You may not be sure
what is happening,
but it is,
and by the end
you've changed.
  Oct 2014 suicidalsmiles
Simon Clark
In sheer desperation I hide,
No one can see; gone,
Removed from the flaming eyes,
The burning glare; probing,
Mourning myself; I changed,
For you I altered my views; shifted,
And now you've left me; gone,
A whole person; gone,
A whole person to whom I don't belong.
written in 2011
  Oct 2014 suicidalsmiles
Katie Eustace
You've left me without
the capacity to care
***** my trust and left it just
Lying there.

Looking for a
Reason. Any reason.

You ****** me
****** me over
****** her,
in your head.

I'm fatigued, and I'm
Jaded, and I'm
Betrayed beyond repair
And for all the king's horses...

I thought you had changed.
(c) Katie Eustace, 2011
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